Its been a bit hectic here as usual, yesterday was utter madness as i had two lots of riding as well as packing orders and getting the house straight (ill never manage that one) everything was put off until 'Monday' as the kids started high school so i finally got some time to myself to put everything into order..
The riding went really well, we couldn't have our usual teacher for the jumping lesson but instead had a lady called 'Jo' shes old school and really pushed me and Jean , which was brilliant! I managed to get solomon into canter for every jump so came home really pleased, the lesson was such a quick pace but really exciting, when i came home i kept thinking something was stuck in my jodhpurs as i had a sore patch....hmmmm What it really was was a huge patch of bum that id wore the skin off.................hehe
So after an hour of my fella taking the mickey i elastoplastered myself up and went back for my group lesson and told him i was aiming to do the other side to match......
Its back to a few days of myself again today, my fella left very early this morning so im trying to get everything into gear starting with the Dr's as they keep sending me snotty letters telling me to go in urgently.... Ive let them send me 2 then reluctantly went this morning, you can get ill going in those places, everyone is coughing or sneezing, bugger that! They want to use me as a guinea pig and have started me on new medication until they have me in on the 21st for my 'tests' ive been warned that ill need help when i come out as ill be in a state..... lol nothing new there then ! they believe initially that the blackouts im having are all to do with the migraines, the big word for it is migrainous vertigo... but i wont use big words in this blog!
Ive got to start one a day for a week then increase one each week til i get to 4 a day.. and hopefully it should help stop the dizzy blonde impressions I'm doing.... I cant change my hair colour as half of its natural now and boy arent i giving all those blonde jokes ammunition at the moment....
School yesterday went off to a flying start.. My eldest came home before the others complaining there were kids in his class that are disruptive and not there to learn (they were being disrespectful to the teacher and out of order) and he wants out of their classes, so i spoke to the headteacher and thankfully they are trying to move him out, he may be a bit more pushed in regards of doing these other classes as well as the business diploma, but that's what he wants to do.. so i will support him all i can and get him into the right ones.. my fellas not having any of it and says that our kids will get the education they deserve so is going to see head of year on Thursday when he gets back....
The triplets on the other hand managed to have me pulling my hair out again! they didn't come home from school ? i sat here with dinner waiting and no kids.. After an hour i was panicking so walked up to school, thinking id meet them somewhere on route ~ how wrong was i...
After an hour walking the streets in jodhpur boots that were killing my feet (more blisters) the high school kindly phoned my home to discover they were home and i was at the school! they had took a detour to their old school to feed the chickens !!
Last year the school took in a lot of chickens that were going to be killed and my daughter being as soppy as me has really taken to them so goes to visit them everyday, i told them to come straight home, not worry me to death and go play with the buggers first... I wish i had a bigger garden as id get her some but at the moment my house is already mad and dogs chasing chickens round the garden ontop sadly cant happen.. so when we get a bigger house Lauren! it will come.................
My fellas got so much exciting stuff going on at the moment and today im sitting here with my heart in my mouth in hope.......... Im not allowed to say what it is only that if today and tomorrow go good, our lives will change beyond belief.............. I know you have to hit rock bottom sometimes to be able to go up and believe me we have been there, but life has a way of going round in circles doesn't it, what was once upon a time maybe no more..... im really excited..
It wont just be his business either, we have so many plans but this could be the difference of those dreams turning into reality for us..
Ive been sitting here this morning listening to Leona Lewis's new song 'Happy' god why is it sometimes you can hear something and think that's so true...
We all get bruised and bumped about in life, but if you don't take those chances the risk will never pay off.... ive been telling myself that for the last 2 years..
So that song today has definitely struck a chord.. ill be buying her album, singing away to that one and putting my kids through what they did to me yesterday thats for sure now.......
Hopefully tonights homecoming will be slightly less stressful...
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