Well we got through the first week of mass changes, the kids are all tired this morning, I knew they would probably get to Friday and really feel it, I think we all are if im honest...
Its been everything from school to boys brigade, they are moving up groups everywhere, its exciting for them but if they are anything like me also hard, ive always been a pain in the arse when it comes to some changes, just ask my fella! hes hiding up this morning working already..
I struggle to let go of things and mentally suffer inside, I know thats how the world has to work so will go along with whatever is hurled, but sometimes it doesn't come easy..
Between us we are pushing the education system and taking it on head on, its wrong what they are doing to kids on these diplomas, especially when it all comes down to is those dreaded budgets, so expect to see me in the papers soon, I WONT quit on getting the best education for my son, hearing it from the horses mouth yesterday about the lads they have in my sons group just pushes me on, hes A grade and is in with F grades because hes out of school for 2 days , its utter madness, they don't want to be at school so opted for garage experience etc, hes there because he wants to learn up and above so wheres the fair in that.. he WILL and CAN do both the diploma and the GCSEs and will hold his own in his A groups, ill make sure of that, so they will just have to make up that one to one timetable one guy told me is so hard to do....... I dont give a shit, its his job to sort this out, his tutors agrees with Ryan and are backing me on this , its just one teacher who says he cant find the time to juggle my son about in classes so he can work at proving this system is flawed......because it is...... watch this space, they are holding a meeting this morning, so hopefully will make him come to his senses, its not for 300 pupils here, theres just one lad there doing the diploma this year, but this hasn't been thought out properly and more young people will take these steps next year so it needs to be addressed, im sick of walking away quietly when I should have shouted out loud, especially when people were so wrong, but i wont back down anymore.......I wouldn't be a good mum if i did......and I am that, if nothing else..
Im tired this morning ~ can you tell ? ..hehe
Anyway ill get this sorted out, I always work best when im pissed off, sometimes it takes that to get me into gear and into gear I definitely am.....
This week: Well its just been a blur of meetings appointments and lifts to just about everywhere, I feel a bit like a taxi driver on a never ending journey thats running out of petrol,
My tyres are slightly deflating this morning, and i need a car wash badly! :)
Today i intend to do just that after i have packed todays orders, cleaned up the mess that im sure i did yesterday and got through the emails, im trying to hold on to my fella today, as to be honest i need someone to talk to apart from kids and teachers.. but hes got work to do and i know it, so i think im on a losing streak with that thought.......
On the positive side it was salsa last night, i had such a sore arse, every movement had my jeans rubbing on my lack of skin bum cheek, but it always manages to bring a smile and change my mind frame, im sure Richard knows when to play Willy (it is my favourite salsa song) i could feel a difference in my fella too, its like something we lost, poked its head round the corner and shouted hello guys where have you been.... hes had to digest so much information over the last couple of months that i completely understood when he said he couldn't remember any of his moves, its so tormenting sitting there having to watch when you just want to get up and do it! his heads pretty much full at the moment so im going to do what he always does with me when im like that and show some patience and understanding..
Last night we didnt think of anything except there and then and had such a good night, I love being up there with our friends and don't want to lose it ~ Another thing ill fight for tooth and nail.. Whatever is coming at you in life it doesn't matter there, a hug from Sharon and the girls manages to find that part of Jo i have tended to keep hidden recently....... apart from that and my riding we dont go out at all, so i don't care how busy work is or how full up our heads are, they are two things in my life, i wont change....
The weekend im spending some quiet time with my fella and kids, they need help with homework, he needs time with me and i need the lot of them as im feeling pretty needy this week............ Monday hes off again on business so im going to make the most of every moment this weekend brings and relax ..
Monday those paint brushes are coming back out! Ive got a photographer doing the photos for new gear shortly, so if i keep painting, dancing and riding i may actually get a waistline to work with for a change...
Im not sure what im painting yet but theres lots to chose from so ill pull straws and try to make it fun .. no doubt if i pick one of the kids rooms before another it will be wrong and cause a row, so ill leave it to the straws to decide...
Have a good day everyone.......
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