Monday, October 29

Weekend round up

Friday, October 26
Knocks and falls

Thursday, October 25
Virtual worlds

Tuesday, October 23

Sunday, October 21
Half term

Saturday, October 20

Thursday, October 18

Ive had such a brilliant day today, its not the work (i didn't want to work today) it was my evening out last night that's made the difference ...
After picking up my friend who gets as lost as i do , he decided he was going to map read and not drive...so i got the job driving to find a place in the middle of nowhere, which is normally a joke..lol
After nearly driving into a few hedges and yes ill admit getting lost at one point, we actually found it..... wonders never seice to amaze eh! although my driving was extremely bad......lol
We ended up in a place where 'enchanting' was in my head all night, surrounded by such great people the whole night for me was amazing... Ive been smiling all day........
We went to Waxham last year , got caught in the most beautiful storm Ive ever experienced and that's stayed with me all year, and i think last night is another of those special nights where you feel so peaceful will also sit alongside happily..
I couldn't sleep as i had the roundhouse in my thoughts, its beautiful ambient atmosphere with its little fire crackling away and flickering candles , it really was like being in another world..........one which i prefer.. It just goes to show we dont need tvs and all those mod coms, some of the simplest things in life really do make my day....
Its experiences like last night that make me happy inside, i can honestly say i feel bright invigorated and totally at peace with myself today, thanks to our friends there..
So many wonderful characters yet everyone blending together in harmony, its known people say i always look for the best in people, but i think im right to ..
Last night confirms to me that there are very special people out there, who accept you for who you are ... are are happy for me to sing away and be myself..
Listening to Roses giggling away as i was trying not to pee in my boots is something that's made me smile today, but the highlight of my night?
Was the night sky so full of stars that you couldn't help but look up at in amazement, standing in the middle of that meadow in pitch black, it was breathtakingly beautiful, Ive never felt the sky that alive before, its like our nights with our chant friends all hold something magical in store ...
Like those stars and rain and feeling at one with myself, i felt last night like i was coming home...
its a strange feeling, but one Ive embraced, its a feeling like you belong in that place at that time..
Our friends are moving to London so we sent with them our brightest blessings..
And last nights enchantment with such wonderful people have left me with the brightest spirit....
Its my first experience of being at the roundhouse....
But one that will definitely stay with me...
Thank you so much for making me part of it................
Todays thought
Tuesday, October 16
Mums Joining Royal Mail's Strike

Monday, October 15
Wet through

Sunday, October 14
Bedroom dreams

Saturday, October 13
Karaoke Night

Wednesday, October 10
Night on the tiles
My jodhpurs arrived from ebay today and at last something finally fits so im really pleased... ive cut out the giveaway child's label as its a tad embarrassing but had a little swing round the pole to make sure they stretch as well as i do, and so far so good......
I went out last night to my friends house for another of our well earned girly nights, and had a really good night, i stayed over and got a huge bed all to myself, so yesterday turned into a really good day for me, but as my fella wasn't so well i was worried that he wouldn't wake up, to make sure the brood were dressed, washed and ready for school, but to my delight they were, i couldn't believe my fella actually woke up without me calling him and taking tea up in rounds as that's the normal day here...lol (he blames a part of his anatomy as its awake earlier than he is , but uses this as an excuse everyday to why he cant get out of bed when called, its to save any embarrassment) but today he was downstairs so i was delightfully shocked..
Anyway the kids let me into their little secret tonight, which did make me giggle, my fella didn't indeed wake himself up, or become organised as hes let on, he was still on the sofa from the bottle and a half of wine he drank the night before........lol
he never actually made it up there, and theres me thinking he was up dressed and ready for work.... lol
You've got to hand it to him, he definitely thinks ahead, just not smart enough to blackmail the kids as well as i would have done...lol
So today hes been yawning constantly is complaining of being tired and hungover to anyone that will listen lol and been the brunt of all of my jokes all day...bless
And i was the one who went out ? .......lol

Pass the wine..............lol
Tuesday, October 9
Saddle Up
It started with my rude conversations again, so i guess its my fault but the office has gone a beautiful blue shade..
Ive always wanted to make a video for youtube and have been thinking about doing something a little different, and i think today's conversation has just found it..
I told my fella i took my cloneboy into work to show everyone (although of course i didnt) shhh and all day we've been putting into every sentence something regarding his anatomy to see if he blushed (which he doesn't) but as the days gone on its got better til on the way home i started singing saddle up and putting in my own words, Estelle was crying and even my fella found it hilarious so now Ive happily roped him into making a video to go with my cloneboy..
Ive got the whips already, and a saddle (of sorts) so I'm gonna spend a well earned day bunking off from work and have some fun putting one together... theres no horses needed and no cruelty involved , just a bottle of vodka and a moulding kit............ and a whip...
So when some nutty bird appears on you tube with Captain 'Jacks eye'.. and a cloning kit please remember its not me............im a respectable person........lol
God what did they put in my tea today..................
Saddle up and ride that cloney...
Saddle Up-David Christie (1978)
watch out for mine and estelles version coming soon...
Saddle up and ride your cloneboy...lol
Monday, October 8
No Hang ups

I think he got it down to about 2 words, me and stell both couldn't keep a straight face and we were in the middle of a photo shoot so it made me giggle, but he still tried to discuss his usual disgusting stuff even with my fella (this guy is definitely not fussy) and yet he talks so posh...lol
what on earth possesses the bloke to constantly call is beyond me, hes the type that probably spends all day on the phone to any place that sells women's clothes and enjoys himself while he chats .. we just press mute now and go for a tea break, the strange thing is hes still talking away when we get back and doesn't seem to notice no ones there..lol
Saturday, October 6
Weekend of rest
Friday, October 5
Ive done my work for the week and havent got to work til monday! god i am so happy..
Ive just won my daughter a full kit of riding gear on ebay, so shes really happy, although i did also bid and win a pair of jodhpurs for myself too (that didnt fit).. you could fit me and the horse inside, so im now forced to buy aged 13 jodhpurs...so thats not so good, its totally not sexy and very embarrasing trying to explain i am just small and not a school girl using her mums account (as the lady implied) so im giving up on this bidding lark...
The verdick-t

Thursday, October 4

Wednesday, October 3
Early bird