Its the day my kids go off on holiday, ive been packing for England and trying not to forget anything they will need.......
Its been a manic weekend, im still not right but trying to pull myself out of it...
Saturday wasnt an easy day, my daughter dissapeared for 3 hours with me sobbing my heart out looking everywhere i could possibly think of, the neighbours were all out in force and so many things go through your head its untrue..
She was playing in our close as shes not allowed any further than that but wasnt there when i went to check, talk about feeling sick, i hope i never have to feel like that again... shes a good girl and always does what i ask if shes playing with her friends so when they said they hadnt seen her all day i went nuts..........
Thankfully she was in her friends house, and her mum had sent the girls brother round to tell me where she was and hed forgotten to come and tell me, so although it really shook me up it was all ok......
Ive decided that im gouing to spend the next 3 days getting myself some rest and having some time for us with my fella, its all been stress, stress, stress........ so thats got to change today..
My eldest is going to stay with my siester for a day or so and im gonna get back what the last few weeks have taken away..
I wasnt well enough sadly to do my calender photos on the horse yesterday , but thankfully they have put my day back til this weekend, so ill still get my change to feel that wind in my hair.....
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