Well as usual its been a mad couple of days again, the more i try to take a break the more seems to rain down work...lolIve had new gear to load in that id completely forgotten about so ive broke what i said and worked Sunday and both evenings, although i have had help from my daughter who's constantly making me tea, as soon as my cup gets empty.. i cant work out whats caused this turning over of a new leaf, but im happy as i love tea..
The office has been manic, but good fun, ive been hanging strange photos on my wall of flames that definitely has been making it hard to keep a straight face, we also had our friendly pervert ring up again today, so its been quite a day..
Estelle recognises his voice now as soon as he calls, so this time i thought id give my partner the fun job of 'helping him' (he defiantly needs help allright) ...lol
I don't think my fella was very pleased as he didn't seem to want to help him much, hes looking for something sexy and see through now.... bless.... for his daughter!! (yes i did nearly swallow my cup) what a strange dad he must be..
Anyway today he wanted a white top and some sexy black lace underwear (not under that white top i hope) so as my fella is very good at underwear choosing i thought hed be up for the challenge...lol
I think he got it down to about 2 words, me and stell both couldn't keep a straight face and we were in the middle of a photo shoot so it made me giggle, but he still tried to discuss his usual disgusting stuff even with my fella (this guy is definitely not fussy) and yet he talks so posh...lol
what on earth possesses the bloke to constantly call is beyond me, hes the type that probably spends all day on the phone to any place that sells women's clothes and enjoys himself while he chats .. we just press mute now and go for a tea break, the strange thing is hes still talking away when we get back and doesn't seem to notice no ones there..lol
I know theres some strange people out there, but come on... theres a level of what the public can expect as being helpful... in this case the customer definitely isnt always right...
This ones not even right in the head....lol
Its a good job the nice ones always come back, at least its worth all this hard work for...
And hope old incest (thats what we now call him) gets cut off the phone soon, or finds himself a nice sheep for company........bahhhhhh lol
I blame the government....
If they didn't keep moving all our call centres to India at least hed be able to ring someone else.....lol
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