Tonight I'm having a rant..... so i hope i don't offend anyone, but its been quite a day.......and i am very tired...lol
It started off with me working on my own today (which i don't mind) as my girls are both ill with the cold bug i gave them, oops... i don't tend to take much notice when i get ill, as i know i have to keep going anyway, so i went to work normally Monday although i was feeling a bit under the weather but sadly passed it round the office, so I'm still working away and everyone else is off sick.. (that will teach me) ... and if one more person asks me where their parcel is i am going to kill them..lol i am posting everyday but can someone please tell my customers there is a strike on....lol
So today i decided as no one was at the unit, id work from my home computer as its super quick so since 6 this morning Ive been hard at it , trying to get finished, so i could clean up the house... that's the bit whats negged me out a bit.. why am i such a mug sometimes?
My kids have managed to trash my house in 24 hours again, they even went to the extent of hiding crisp packets up under the tv....... so after moving the house about and finding cups wrappers and just about everything you wouldn't want to imagine, i totally ache.....
I tried to get my head round the fact that i was actually pushing myself so hard today just so i can do exactly the same thing again in 24 hours and it had me thinking....
So after speaking to my fella who wholeheartedly agrees they are taking the mickey, i took off the TV plug.... the one rule i do have is no TV in the mornings until they are breakfasted washed and ready to leave for school, if they get done early then i have no complaints, but my god the mess this lot is making i could have thrown a party and it would look cleaner...lol
So the list has now been written and mum has turned over a new leaf in regards that they will now start to help out, well they will if they ever want to watch TV again...lol (that's so mean i know) but it has to be done.....
My eldest is now hitting his teenage years and has that wonderful go slow syndrome.. whatever!
So one by one again Ive sat them down explained that although she was once on TV superwomen doesn't bloody well exist ! lol
I have a lovely new chart hanging in each and every bedroom of one chore each per day they can do for themselves, to help me (like hit the laundry bin would be a great start) and please can they not screw up the ironing which i spend at least 8 hours a week doing on the wardrobe floors ...
So im sticking to my guns on this am totally fed up with 'de ja vu' everyday as believe me i hate any kind of routine, but have to clean the same things every day even when no ones used them? and i would then have more of that wonderful time other people seem to talk about ( what my lot havent heard of) time out..............
So from tomorrow theres no collection of dirty washing from under the beds, no sorting of anything out unless its tidy, and no backing down............
And if you see 4 kids walking to school next week with crinkled clothes you'll know they didn't play ball and help out as they have promised... And ill be on the next plane out to Togabo......lol
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