Well i have to admit its been a brilliant day....
Im not stressed at all, in fact im very happy and feeling totally festive tonight, ive spent a great day with my fella and managed to do everything I didnt think we could in a day...............lol
This morning started with sandra doing me breakfast (Nothing posh here just toast) but its more than what i normally eat so already we were off to a good start..
We started at a little butchers miles from anywhere out in the country and picked up our beautiful turkey, they had horses next door in the fields so i spent most of the time wandering round talking to them, leaving my fella to sort the meat out ..lol well, hes always going on about that word and how a certain type of meat makes everything better for us women, so i left him to it......hehe
Then onto Sainsburys, managing to fill up two trolleys with so many lovelies, im ashamed to say i was actually hiding things i wouldnt normally buy under the crisps..lol the funny part was when we got to the checkout my fella had done exactly the same thing.......... but of course they will blame us women, ive never seen so much cheese and chocolate.......lol
Ive tried the other supermarkets over the years and sainsburys is the only one i can get my fella to go to without him getting stressed, it really was chilled out, there was even a chap helping you by keeping a car parking space ready and clear !! how good was that !
We dropped off what looks like a years shopping with 30 mins to unpack then moved onto the city centre........omg i was dreading this part..
Ideas of wandering round aimlessly were going through my head, but weve managed to get everyone we wanted a lovely gift that we really enjoyed choosing together, i totally loved it..
Usually its me getting the gifts and my fella indoors not even knowing what we gave people... how many of you guys are guilty of that one? lol
The days ended so well, ive still got the wrapping to do tonight now the kids are in bed, but after all the packing ive done in the last few months this should be a doddle...............lol
I couldnt believe how many sales there were up there today, we were getting things at prices i couldnt believe, sale after sale it never stopped !!
Hats off to my fella tonight, i said if we got this lot done in a day it would be a miracle, by the time xmas gets here im usually in and out of the festive spirit by now..
I have to admit im not doing that anymore, im doing this again next year, not only did we have a great day together, we both felt really festive and really got into the spirit of things, the lights were beautiful out there tonight..
Right its time for the mulled wine and some homemade sausage rolls, my daughter had fun making those with sandra today and boy they've turned out great...
Mums now going back into the packing room again tonight to wrap the things that hopefully will bring a few smiles to some great kids, i cant wait to see their faces when they see what we've got them....lol
Its not about how much weve spent, ive kept to a tight budget and stuck to it like glue, but i know they are gonna love what weve got them........
Lets hope they are very much like their mum and dad like we hope....
We were playing with them for hours in that shop .........lol
Have a great xmas eve tomorrow everyone ........
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