God its so peaceful here this morning, every ones still asleep so ive been singing my head off in the usual hope no one hears me manner..lol
Ive had a good couple of days im finally catching up on the things i couldn't and after yesterday i feel really happy today...
I haven't been able to go to the stables and work for 3 weeks, its been driving me mad, i go to work and pack but in my head all day will be those horses and fields..lol its sad really but i look forward to doing something different on a Friday it helps keep me smiling..
So yesterday i went, i packed what had to go when i got home from dancing and it worked it then left me free to go up there and get dirty... and my god i certainly was this week, my fella just opened the gates and his mouth opened i was literally covered in not so nice smelling stuff and totally drenched to the skin, it never stopped raining all day !lol
Mind you Ive never had so much fun getting wet either..hehe
I'm the type of girl that likes to muck in its good for the soul..
This week non of the guys turned up, they were supposed to be in, but that's probably as Kevin was away at a competition so we called in another girl Sharon and the 3 of us worked our arses off together getting everything done, i loved it !
The atmosphere was brilliant we were singing as we were filling up hay nets and taking it in turns to bring out hot drinks... it just goes to prove how much you can get done when you work well together.. i like both of these girls they are very similar to me, which is probably why they were there yesterday working in the rain....lol
I managed to get my fella to come up and mend a roof... it was running in on polo who's a beautiful chestnut horse i take care of when I'm there, his owner was so pleased, but i cleaned his stable til it shone and then had to watch the rain fill it up afterwards, so something needed doing.. i know what that feels like ..lol so up he comes to pick me up and up he goes up on the ladder, he looked so nice too but the dirty roof soon changed that... i must be such a pain in the bum to live with....lol
But what i got from being there yesterday is priceless to me and it doesn't hurt to do something nice for people, doesn't it feel nice when someone does it for us.....
Thursday was another brilliant night at Cuban salsa, thankfully the dentist did his work so i could smile happily, its a good job he did. i don't think i stopped smiling all night! what was that music Richard it was infectious? we couldn't sit down even my fella got blisters on his feet....lol
we need more guys at this place, so if your sitting at home in that armchair please come along, I was dancing with Paul and couldn't believe how good hes getting, hes a natural.. he even said i could wiggle now as it used to put him off......the confidence is growing week by week now..
The girls doing regaetton was really something else..it was certainly a camera night so next week its coming with me... lol
Were trying to arrange somewhere to stay on the
http://www.dancecuban.net/ party night and hes going to try and get us a room there for the night, imagine that dance your feet off then just toddle off upstairs.. failing that ill be taking a tent................. yes i am serious you lot.. i will get to use it before Christmas im determined..Sleeping under those stars sounds pretty irresistible to me..lol if i drink enough i certainly wont feel cold....lol
Today im up early again, ive had enough tea and good songs that im ready for the day today, my fella is off to work so ive got a day to do what i need to.... lol
I wanted to work last night but my kids all asked me to watch a movie with them instead, i dont normally watch tv much but i really enjoyed the night, we shared 2 buckets of candy floss and i let them pick the movie, the mummy returns... it ended up a lovely night, they told me last night they want to see Egypt, and i know i can make that possible if i keep going forward...
My dream is to get to Cuba next April with my fella so i know theres going to be plenty more weeks of working hard in between but if i take a day out when i need a break and spend a few evenings with my friends and family, its enough..........
Enough to keep me happy inside and count myself lucky for everything and everyone i do have around me......
I am certainly lucky that way.......