I feel so much better tonight , its Monday and Ive actually got out of the house away from work for an hour.............god it was lovely..
Tonight i was riding Jack, hes such a beautiful horse he does make my legs ache though ! I cant get them anywhere near his belly........lol
Tonight we all got some exciting news in a few weeks time we are starting the jumping.... yipeeeeee
God Ive missed that so much, i was always jumping at my last stables but looking back i dont know how i managed to stay on, my balance must be good that's all i can say..it wasn't down to my riding well that's for sure....hehe
I think that's probably why i loved it so much though, its was so exhilarating...
I'm so glad I'm learning technique and how to ride properly now, but theres still a part of me that loved going there Saturdays and jumping those courses, I'm tempted to go and do both places again but my fella wasn't so happy about that part.. lol
Ever since i was a small one Ive always wanted to show jump, I'm still small just a lot older now so its better late than never in my eyes........ roll on that first lesson, it cant come quick enough... I could do with some excitement ...lol
I was speaking to Kevin tonight as we were walking back, i miss going to help out at the stables but due to having to send out parcels Fridays and the bad weather we have encountered, i haven't managed to get there now for 3 weeks, that's got to change this week........Im going come what may.........
Ive worked out ill pack the stuff when i get back from Stalham and our salsa class so i can go and share those Polo's out .. apparently someones missed me...........lol my flirty horse Prince and a few of the poor sods there that have been doing my share..........bless
Its not about the work there, i know how hard work it is, but what it does bring me is inner peace, its sounds like a blond saying but that's exactly how i feel , so calm and content...
I come home shattered and so happy its wonderful, even my fella is pushing me to go back now, he knows how much it means to me being up there..im also very grumpy apparently..lol
I cant have a holiday this year but my grandmother always says "a change is as good as a rest" i never understood what she meant then, but do now.......
We've had a hard weekend with nothing but work and more work, ive tried to make it as pleasurable as possible (no dirty thoughts needed i have plenty of them already) lol but really could do with a change and some fresh air , my fella is a workaholic and wont hear of such a thing........ he'll just take his laptop outside.......lol
Im happy tonight, im now going to grab a lovely bath, a brandy (my back and legs need one) and chill out for an hour (probably fall asleep in there) ...lol
Its amazing really mother nature has a way of changing your day into a great one as much as music does..
I think ill take my headset along this week and see how good the two are together...lol
Thanks to a great group of people and one very beautiful horse ive managed to switch off from work and am smiling tonight.........
Goodnight all...............
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