- First thing you wash in the shower? Usually my hair
- What color is your favorite hoodie? I dont own one, ive only just realised that!
- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Oh yes, as soon as the kids go to bed...
- Do you plan outfits? Only when i go out socializing
- How are you feeling RIGHT now? I ache just about everywhere
- Whats the closest thing to you that's red? A Egyptian love paper that was a gift to us both from Dayle
- Tell me about the last dream you remember having? It was a nightmare and i was running from something
- Did you meet anybody new today? yes
- What are you craving right now? A nice jasmine bubble bath
- Do you floss? yes and love mouthwash
- What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Steves lamb casserole to go with it!
- Are you emotional? Yes .. I take everything to heart
- Have you ever counted to 1,000? I have tried to in french with kids
- Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? lick it then nibble
- Do you like your hair? Yes now im happy with it
- Do you like yourself? Yes
- Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Yes if he was paying and i could have lobster
- What are you listening to right now? Battlefield its on my blog so im playing it as i type
- Are your parents strict? No
- Would you go sky diving? Yes Im hoping to do that this year for charity with my sister, ive filled in forms
- Do you like cottage cheese? not really something i eat much, prefer all other cheeses but i dont dislike it.
- Do you rent movies often? when i feel like night in ill go get some.. last week i did
- Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? yes my new cushions they are gorgeous
- How many countries have you visited? 5
- Have you made a prank phone call? Lol... Yes
- Ever been on a train? yes
- Brown or white eggs? either i Love eggs
- Do you have a cellphone? yes a new touchtone samsung tocca
- Do you use chap stick? no im a big fan of bio oil now, use it everywhere
- Can you use chop sticks? oh yes
- Who are you going to be with tonight? im on my own, kids are upstairs
- Are you too forgiving? i dont hold grudges lifes too short , its good to forgive.
- Ever been in love? Yes
- What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? I dont really have any close friends like that
- Ever have cream puffs? yes
- Last time you cried? Today, some buggers pinched all our things..
- What was the last question you were asked? "mum can Olly sleep over" just came down the stairs.
- Favorite time of the year? Spring time i think
- Do you have any tattoos? No i wanted a little devil with a pitchfork on my hip but steve talked me out of it.
- Are you sarcastic? Oh yes !
- Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? no
- Ever walked into a wall? Yes when my iron was bad regulary, i felt drunk!
- Favorite color? Purple
- Have you ever slapped someone? yes years ago Geoff and he thoroughly deserved it
- Is your hair curly? when im hot it goes curly
- What was the last CD you bought? I cant remember
- Do looks matter? No .. its whats inside we fall in love with
- Could you ever forgive a cheater? Yes.
- Is your phone bill sky high? not now thankfully
- Do you like your life right now? Yes but there's areas that could be better
- Do you sleep with the TV on? No tvs in my bedroom
- Can you handle the truth? Yes and prefer it
- Do you have good vision? yes perfect
- Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? No I don't hate/dislike anyone
- How often do you talk on the phone? not as often as i should
- The last person you held hands with? Lauren
- What are you wearing? jeans/ lacey top and a bra thats driving me nuts (digging in)
- What is your favorite animal? I dont really have one, I like them all
- Where was your default picture taken at? Its not me (but wished i could have been there with them two)
- Can you hula hoop? yes
- Do you have a job? yes several
- What was the most recent thing you bought? A paintbrush yesterday
- Have you ever crawled through a window? yes last week through bedroom window (not good at heights either)
- When was the last time you've been to church? does the churchyard count? hehe
- What's your least favorite meal? butter beans ......yuck!
- Did you ever steal anything by mistake? Yes when i was shopping with triplets (put shopping under buggy and walked out without paying)oops
- Have you ever won anything? yes horseriding stuff/ kickboxing stuff/£10 on the lottery last week!
Friday, July 31
Roses Memo reply to Journeying
Sunshine and showers

Wednesday, July 29
Well Im Bored !

Car Radio Stolen need help!
Yesterday our car radio was stolen from the car while we were out shopping.
The police have given us a photograph of the suspect and asked us to circulate this to friends in the hope that this person can be identified.
While some features seem to look familiar to my fella, we cannot positively identify the suspect; but hopefully you might be able to help.
Tuesday, July 28
Something to start the day

Dodo visited her physician to ask his help in reviving her boy friend's libido.
"What about trying Viagra?", asks the doctor.
"Not a chance", she said."He won't even take an aspirin."
"Not a problem," replied the doctor. "Give him an 'Irish' Viagra. It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it."
"Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went"
It wasn't a week later she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to progress. The poor dear exclaimed,"Oh, faith, Bejaysus and begorrah! That was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!"
"Really? What happened?" asked the doctor.
"Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate.
He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye,and with his pants a-bulging fiercely!
With one swoop of his arm, he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there, took me passionately on the tabletop!
It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!"
"Why so terrible?" asked the doctor, "Do you mean the sex wasn't good?"
"That was the best sex I've had in years! But sure as I'm sittin' here,
I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!"
Friday, July 24
Never too old to learn

Sunday, July 19
Finding peace

Wednesday, July 15
Breakfast at Hogwarts

Tuesday, July 14
Sunshine and Shadows

Monday, July 13

Sunday, July 12
Lord Mayors Procession After party

Friday, July 10
Spining around

Last night was such a good night, Stalhams definately the place to be on Thursdays. Its Cuban Salsa time!
Sharon and Richard had us all wiggling and up on our feet, the music was simply brilliant.. Sharons regaetton is so much fun even the guys get up now and join in, how great is that!
You knew it was going to be a good night when you saw Sharon in that dress...wow, talk about sexy! Richard will soon have to start carrying a fire extinguisher! Ill show you the photos later, i plan on writing a few blogs this weekend.. i probably wont have the energy for much else!
We did everything from Regaetton & Bacharta to our Cuban salsa (and Steve's timba) its always a party atmosphere and my favourite night of the week! I danced with my fella to a Regaetton track and nearly forgot where i was ! lol .. it really is such a great night, we need more guys up there to learn salsa, so what are you waiting for? whoever thinks its not masculine needs to come watch this ! take it from me (im female and know this stuff) its the guys that can dance and try that get the ladies attention, and such good fun while keeping us on our toes.. where else can you take the lead and not get moaned at! lol ....we love it!
This weekend is going to be a Red Bull one ! im already aching from last night and we still have two party nights to go! oh my word is this gonna be a weekend to remember...
Tonight its our friends party and one we are all looking forward to, I already know its gonna be a night to remember, it always is as nobody cares what they look like everyones there to enjoy themselves and simply party, my fellas said hes up for lessons on the pole too, so ill take my camera and catch him in the act! im so looking forward to this...hehe The only problem im having is what do i wear? i tend to stick to jeans usually but i cant poledance in them! so if anyone has any ideas please help! (clean 0nes only please!) failing that ill wear my outfit and shove my shorts on underneath...lol ill look like ive got some hips then too !
Tomorrow if we are still able to walk we are being picked up by our salsa friends and hitting the 'Talk' for the 'Lord mayor's procession after party'! there will be live music from la Cuban ritmo, who weve already seen before (they are totally amazing!) so its gonna be a very lively and exciting weekend....... with a weekend long hangover..hehe We wanted to be part of the prcocession but my fella couldnt get the time off saturdays to attend the practise sessions :( so im sending all my best for you guys tomorrow and will catch up with you all at the after party! God i wish i could have been part of that... the last time i danced down a street with sharon and the girls was such a giggle... theres another street fair coming up at Ingham very soon, where we will get to repeat that one....

Party, Party, Party !
My god wheres that red bull.... we are going to need wings to get us through this lot....lol
Wednesday, July 8
Running In Circles

Monday, July 6
Friday, July 3
Mother Natures Gifts

Its been an amazing week, the suns been shining away for us so we have been trying to enjoy it and get some life back!
Monday morning i spent packing for the website ready for 2pm when it was my jumping lesson with Jean up the stables, we both really enjoyed the class although feeling hot was an understatement, i had Solomon who is a biggy and Wendy took us to the outside arena to do the lesson, it was lovely to be out there with the sun shining on us but very hot! i completed my first triple jump and came home wailing like a banchee, poor Steve i couldn't shut up, he was trying to look interested honestly...lol
Dayle had come to visit and cracked up at the state i came home in, im always happy when im doing something that challenges me though, i dont care how dirty i get, its half the fun, id been wiping my face (i was sweating like mad) but forgot i had black gloves on, which do tend to bleed when they are wet..hehe No wonder people looked at me when i was sitting at those traffic lights, i thought they were just being friendly...hehe
Monday night we all went out a family, our Friend Mark turned up and handed me his car keys!! yipeeeee he went with my fella and some of the kids in our car, so me and Ryan pulled down the roof and were both smiling for England, it was hard when i lost my car, but Mark lending me his has given back that feeling i used to feel when i went out in mine.. i know its not mine and so do drive it with caution, but its just so lovely and i get to wear my cowboy hat again.... poor thing had cobwebs on it! We went out and had fantastic meal by the river and ended up walking up the river banks for hours so me and the kids could feed the swans..talk about peaceful, it was a wonderful way to end such a great day..I took so many pictures of the swans they ran off at the finish..lol
Tuesday it was my fellas birthday ! I had made sure he wasnt working and arranged a day out, we just wanted to chill out and enjoy the sun so i prepared a picnic and set off, we headed for waxham but when we got to Stalham it was so overcast we turned back, after driving just about every coastal route we could find we decided we would just drive round til we found where we wanted to be, it worked! we found a place thats just round the corner from ours that we didn't even know was there, talk about beautiful..

We were there all afternoon, lazing about in a field full of daisy's eating and chatting away, its been a long while since we unwound like that so i thought id make it a memorable one and misbehave myself..lol
There wasn't anyone about and he says its the best birthday hes ever had..
No one deserves a break more in my eyes so im glad he will remember it smiling...hehe
We got back just in time for the kids coming home and decided to make up jugs of sangria and do a BBQ for them, they have all been great kids and supported us when we worked constantly so it was lovely to spend a relaxing night just eating and singing the night away, i told them they were allowed one glass each then soft drinks but i noticed those jugs were getting rather low..lol the kids were also very chilled out, which made me giggle as they all said it wasnt them drinking it !
Mark popped round with his gift for my fella of pink champagne and a bottle of wine from every country round the world so my kitchen looked like a global hangover..lol it also made me giggle as i noticed a bottle of vodka and orange juice in amongst it, and my fella doesn't drink vodka, but through 'man eyes' it was to make sure my fella had a memorable birthday !
what are you saying then about me and vodka ? .....hehe
Wednesday the kids had been given a day off school to practise for a play they are in ? well thats the excuse they gave us parents, so we headed off picnic intact and went to Waxham! it was overcast but still lovely and warm so we spent the afternoon enjoying what is a rare day out together as a family..
I was talking away to my fella when i realised he had fell asleep so being the nature lover i am i decided to keep myself occupied! i honestly dont ever get bored as ill find something amusing to entertain myself with....
Thursday i worked hard to try make up for the time we had taken off and made myself feel better as i did well, but i haven't been skiving and have been doing all the packing and emails etc before bed, so although we had time out it worked as i found that balance that usually manages to elude me.. And discovered im an aunty again to a beautiful baby boy (congrats Becky) im so proud of my sister!
Last night we just about finished off our last bit of energy and went to our much loved Salsa !

That place last night was buzzing! it was like everone was on holiday and totally brilliant, doing regaetton trying to keep up with Sharon's routine had us all in stitches, theres such a good spirit and atmosphere up there you cant help but come home full of excitement, I love being part of that and love the friends we have made up there, we are all trying to arrange a beach party next! so if you think you are gonna get a quiet evening up Waxham one night and we get there first, think again! lol
Its gonna be a summer of sizzling salsa and a few more days off for my fella! ive never seen him look so peaceful as he did when he was sleeping last night, so this week needs to be what we learn from..
Mother nature holds so many wondrous gifts, the sunshine just added to its beauty..
Its given us something back that work took away, and has me looking at what i can do with the rest of it now..
Thank you to you people that have made this week such a special one...
