Its Friday already! my word this weeks flown by..
The boys are coming home today! i cant believe im saying this but i dont like a quiet house. lol
I keep walking round tidying up things that are already tidy, it feels really strange, im really looking forward to them coming home, the only part im not looking forward to is driving out to collect them! im so useless with directions my fellas shown me twice now and i bet i get lost again...
Hes in Yarmouth today starting his 4 day physical course, we have spent every night sitting here til gone 3am trying to get through the paperwork, im so glad im not at school anymore, 500 words on this and 350 on that, it takes as long to sit there counting the words as it does to think of what to write :) But he got offered the chance to do this from a friend and its a good thing to do and know, so why not!
Last night we both hit a brick wall, we were both so tired, so when 8 0 clock hit we turned off the laptops, we spent a couple of hours watching a movie with Lauren talking all the way through it before all falling alseep in a heap on the sofa..lol
Shes been a little gem this week though and has more than supported her mum and dad, she was even reading his books to learn it herself!weve done lots of little things together too which has been lovely, ive really enjoyed our time together, so after packing today will make a load of cakes as she wants to do and prepare for the onslaught of hungry brothers.. I felt so sorry for her when we dropped the boys off, its so beautiful there and overlooks a lake, the sun was out and i felt my heart sink for her, shes never had a holiday but she hasnt moaned once, ive learnt that shes just as scared of the dark as me and that she feels some security from having 3 brothers that she doesnt like, as theres always at least one upstairs playing on the X box when she doesnt want to be upstairs on her own.. see they do come in handy Lauren !
Its strange but ive really missed my fella this week too, i havent really seen him at all, no kids no fella and a tidy house! when theres noone to mess it up for me i get bored ! lol
This weekend were not doing anything good as my fella is working on this course til Tuesday so its me and the kids and endless camping tales i guess.....lol
I missed my salsa last night but he couldnt do this course without doing all the written work, and as i discovered it wasnt easy, its for an A level so important to get it right..
Who says you're too old to learn? needs to come and meet my fella...
Hes definately A standard in our eyes..
Good luck this week Steve.. enjoy it !
Aw, I hope the boys had a good time, thats lovely that you had such a nice time with Lauren!
Thank you and welcome.
The boys had a great time, came home with so much washing! lol
Its not often i get the chance to be with each child on their own so last week was lovely with Lauren.
Back to badlam this week :)
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