This morning has been such a good one, the boys are upstairs preparing for their holiday tomorrow, Lauren and me have been chatting away doing girly stuff and painting our nails, its lovely when you get up and dont have to get straight into work, I love weekends..
Yesterday my fella and me went off walking, originally it was to get those last minute bits the kids need for tomorrow but we ended up doing all those little things we never get time to do, it was lovely, Hes just like me in so many ways, what other guy would look so pleased to get a new windowscreen wiper..lol its been driving him mad as it was broke so even though it was sunny we were driving up the road with them on full.. Just because we could!
This week is such a big week for him his projects are all doing fine but he has a rather important meeting on Tuesday, i know he will do well, hes brighter than any man i know and if he doesnt know an answer will find it, lady luck landed on my plate when i met him, it doesnt matter what we dont have, its what we do that means the most, i have an amazing family a very sexy fella and so much love for this lot, I caught my daugher this morning trying to write to tescos for the mum of the year award, how sweet is that..
The kids are all officially in the summer holidays and although mother natures not being so kind with all this rain my lot are all enjoying themselves, I took them to see Harry Potter as promised so its stopped the nagging but we all agreed it wasnt as good as we hoped, the ending was a bit wish wash, netherless it was a lovely evening with us all coming home complaining of overeating, why do they make that popcorn so good, i ate a whole tub and was giggling away watching my fella munch through an enormous bag of what was supposed to the the kids sweets.. Im not sure who the biggest kids are, i think we win that title..lol

Today im chilling out and cooking something nice, ive got to do the rounds in a moment of checking the kids bags and making sure they havent forgotten anything but judging by the state of the bulging bags everything and my kitchen sinks in there.Several of my things have dissapeared overnight of course that mr nobody must have taken again, whoever would need styling mouse in a tent? i think their appearance will be the last thing they will be worrying about, judging by my eldest lads untouched soap bag last year ! lol
Im organising some fun stuff to do with Lauren this week, starting with a sleep over tomorrow night so its going to be a girly week and hopefully one that will allow me and my daughter some quality time together, we're riding tomorrow evening and both looking forward to the week ahead.
Im going to really miss the boys, but this is Brandon and Callums first holiday, so ill be smiling knowing they are having a great time, amusing really they get to experience canoeing before me! Dont you wish you were a boy sometimes.... I do .. lol
Time for breakfast.......

Hope you guys have an excellent time.
Thanks Roses..
Im so excited for the boys but also looking forward to spending some girly time with Lauren.
Shes got a list ready! lol
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