Monday was riding which turned out to be a really exciting night. I was riding Jack again, who's turning out somehow to be my favourite horse, yes hes a nutcase but if you get him in a good mood hes amazing, its just sitting outside and waiting for the other riders he doesn't seem to like much, neither do i ! its like playing chess riding him, every move has a consequence so you have to think fast! a friend who's usually in the later class came early and joined our group, she was only coming over to say Hi and was riding Pip but Jacks ears went straight back and he started stomping his feet about again, its the only time I'm nervous on that horse probably as i know its concrete underneath, Ive learnt to keep him well away from anything now, I don't know yet if they will let me ride him yet in my jumping class, but id like to try so have mentioned it, Ive been told he loves to jump so I'm prepared for hard lesson but will make sure i think ahead and stay focussed, even if i have to work up to him its worth the wait, i enjoy a challenge and would love to feel how he jumps..
Only 3 of us were there for the horse care course afterwards this week, i wasn't sure of what we were doing but was still looking forward to it, it turned out that we were all going to try lunging!
Kevin showed us what to do and in turn we all had a go, it was one of his beautiful horses Wesley that we lunged hes 3 and so elegant, but hasn't even been ridden so for the last week they have been working on getting him familiar with the reins and commands, the first part went lovely Kevin was brilliant and so was my friend when she took over from him.
It was then time to change the reins so Kevin called me over, i was nervous i wont say i wasn't, the horse is huge and wild in that respect but i listened carefully and tried my best to sooth and talk to him as he was doing his circles, it wasn't all smooth sailing as when i first started he didn't just speed up into trot he took off ! thankfully all those Fridays walking the horses in and out of those fields paid off, I didn't panic, instead dug in my heels and tried to get him calmer and more happy, Kevin told us afterwards hes fine one way but as soon as he runs the opposite way he gets a bit temperamental..lol that's an understatement, you can feel the power down that lead its amazing, the hardest part i found was keeping the whip up and working in a triangle, you are concentrating so hard to make sure he doesn't run in towards you and keeping his balance going well there are a million things running round up there in your head that are all needed to be in use at once. I really enjoyed the night, came home aching just about everywhere as usual but went to sleep smiling, it had been a busy but really good day.
The rest of the week has been working and what seems endless kids stuff to get through, its coming up to summer holidays so all the paperwork needs to be in and i have to get organised before they break up. Ive spent hours filling in all the high school forms out by the triple batch, after a while it gets really frustrating, the uniforms are now ordered for next week and I'm slowing getting there.. today was quite a comedy day as i had 2 school plays to sit through, packing and posting orders before i left, straight into a meeting at the high school, then onto the college for my eldest sons diploma and to see his tutors ! i was knackered .. It seems so strange that the triplets are moving up to high school in September, they still look so small. or is that me just being a typical mum? they are all really excited and looking forward to telling everyone they are nearly teenagers....hehe
My fella wasn't in the best mood and didn't want to go to the school play he moaned sufficiently enough that i just went on my own without complaint ( its easier that way sometimes..lol )the poor cleaners had to direct me back to my car though, as i had walked past the same lady 3 times! how could i have got lost in there, its embarrassing, some things never change for the better do they! my sense of direction will always be useless.
I'm sure that's the only reason i did OK with the lunging, the horse only needs to run round in a circle, it would have been a different story if id needed to find my way round a course! ....lol

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