What a beautiful morning! for some reason all the kids got up with me today so it was breakfast all round and such a happy atmosphere, the kids were all singing away, how lovely is that.
My fella was working til gone 4am so Ive left him to lie in, once they all go to school i then wake him up, hes not a morning person and this lot aren't very quiet to wake up to..lol
Brandon's appointment went well although i didn't realise he had been put onto the disabled register, that shocked me a bit, ill admit, we've been through all this with Callum when he was diagnosed with autism, why label kids like that? to me they are just as beautiful and intelligent as any child out there but have far more manners, common sense and kindness, yes they argue but don't all siblings..lol
But at least he will get the extra help he needs to learn at high school to prepare him for that big bad world, so ill go along with it and back them up at home, none of us knew what it was like out there when we were young (just what our parents said) but like every lesson, be it in a classroom or through life, we learn in the end.....
I had to smile this morning as i received a phone call from the high school from a lovely lady who is trying to help me with the kids and expense that moving up to big school brings, its a nightmare! so far without shoes, coats, trousers or skirts etc its already totted up a bill of £369.00 ! i had so many forms to fill in that again all wanted money in advance for school trips, lockers etc, i just wrote on the forms sorry im skint out will have to pay for trips nearer the time! it must have hit home as she was giving me numbers to try of charities that may help, i knew it was going to be hard but its past a joke, 4 lots of everything including 2 different uniforms for my eldest as hes doing the diploma this year at school and colledge and needs 2 be dressed in uniforms for both places........... times like these dont you wish there was such a thing as a money tree..lol when my kids were little they used to tell me to "go to the hole in the wall mum and get some money" !! hehe now they are older at least they understand that you have to actually have money in the bank to do that ! phewwwwwww they are good though and never moan when the other kids go places and they dont, they have learnt that although i want the best for them, sometimes things are just out of reach, its good in respects nothings come easy here, and they understand that we have to live to our means, not simply what the other kids have..
Im not sure if these places can help yet but its certainly worth a try as without it my lot know they cant go on some of the trips, the uniforms are stretching me already.. im flexible but not made of plastic...lol
Yesterday turned out a lovely day, the stables were so hot and sunny so we got to do the jumping class outside again, which we both loved, they had changed our horses again and halfway through me and jean changed over so it was pretty hard, no horse is the same up there.
We completed what we were asked and are now up to jumping doubles in canter, Its so exciting, all my frustrations went out of the window when i got into that arena, i can understand why so many people are always up there. That's the kind of free spirited life id love, i don't like having a stomach always churning over because of others, I'm a good person and happy with who i am inside and so is my fella and that's all what matters to me.
Last night i went back and was put on Jack, my word he was a testing boy last night, he behaved well waiting to go down to the stables, but all night decided he was on a go slow! lol
I think that's just how it is with him most times, but at least i always have something to work at! hehe
Today Ive ploughed through the work and housework so am going to cook something nice for my fella later and hopefully practise some salsa,the kids are all out at school to their leaving BBQ and Disco so we may as well turn this place into one and enjoy ourselves..
I'm playing this weekend by ear and hopefully finding something fun to do, we have been talking about going down and hiring some canoes so if my fellas up for it that's first on the list!
The boys all go away together next week camping with the boys brigade!, which means they have also broke up from school for the summer holidays ! omg 7 weeks of bedlam again...
so we have 5 days free of the boys tormenting their sister to make the most of, before the madness sets in and i start pulling my hair out with endless " im bored" conversations.. lol
Lauren will be spending her days with me, while my fella works so we plan to do lots of girly things together, hopefully evenings we can all just jump in the car and go.... I keep hoping its going to get easier now they are all a bit older, but we will see, im going to have 4 teenagers all in here together so i better keep that sense of humour intact and be ready for the hormone overdose .. this years gonna be fun !
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