Im having an eagles morning..
Can never get tired of listening to their music..
Saturday, January 31
THE EAGLES (one of these nights)
Thursday, January 29
We all like to Move

Video (rueda, all of us)
Last night was one of the best nights we have had up the staithe, Sharon took the warm up and got us all doing the new regaetton That was such a giggle, me and Roses were giggling our heads off.. Ive got 'I like to move it' running through my head still..
Heres steve dancing with zena, i managed to get a lot of video last night but still cant get me dancing with him properly, i either dont do what im told (nothing new there then) or he sets me off with a double spin everytime, so i stop at one and smirk at him wickedly.... its a good job he loves me thats all i can
video(Steve, Zena)
Next week i am going to get us dancing together, and ill even try to do as im told..just for one dance anyway...we are all going to the Talk for one hell of a great night out, so ill make sure i take that camera
You'll see a little bit of everything in the videos, us messing up the rueda as we were doing our version of 'forgot that one' but as usual Sharon and Richard made everyones night such a brilliant one..
We had a friend of ours come last night, which was great, it was Ken from tuesdays class, this guys has me in stitches all night and between us we manage every week to get into trouble, but he really enjoyed himself, im so pleased !!
video(Jo, Steve,Richard, Sharon)
What a great night last night was!...
Its not just salsa ... This is S & R salsa......................
At its best.............................hehe
Sharon and Richard

Friday, January 23
Friday Fun

Thursday, January 22
Long Weekends

Logging off
Wednesday, January 21
Early Bird

I heard this playing today and forgot how much i love this song.
Id also die for that little tie top she wears at the
Tuesday, January 20
Nights to Remember

Sunday, January 18
Alesha Dixon -
I totally love this song..
I cant sit still when I hear it!
Great for practising all that shoulder stuff, she says shimmeeing round the
Friday, January 16
Creative Day

Monday, January 12
Gigi Night

Friday, January 9
Sexy salsa
Wednesday, January 7
Hot Salsa Nights

Tuesday, January 6
Back To Life

Thursday, January 1
Happy New Year
1. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
I always look for one as soon as that rain starts
2. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
That I could ride up the beach on a horse, sad isnt it !
3. Do you believe in eternity love?
I like to hope so
4. What feeling do you love most?
Love & Happiness.
5. What feeling do you hate the most?
Being used and lied to
I cherish the people I love, friendship is priceless if its genuine.
7. Do you believe in God?
Yes , many.
8. Who cares for you most?
My kids , Steve and a few people im privaliged to have in my life
9. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Love & Happiness..
10. What emotion do you like to show?
Kindness and compassion
11. If you have something troubling you, what do you do?
I'll try to sort out the problem
12. Who do you admire most?
People who have to ride the storms and still share kindness
13. Who did you last chat with in a chat room?
Dont do chat rooms
14. What kind of person do you think the one I stole this meme from is?
Seems nice, ive been reading his blog too, his blog from ATNS
15. What color did you use to dye your hair?
3 Colours, blonde, brown and one in between, Dayle does my hair so im lucky
16. Why are you doing this meme?
They're fun and you learn alot about people
17. What do you do when you’re moody?
Find a place I can take myself away to, til I feel better, usually the beach or stables, i wouldnt want to upset anyone elses day
18. At which age do you wish to or did you, get married?
I cant remember how old I was..only that it took a long time to get away from him..I wouldnt need to repeat it. if a partners free to go, you know they stay because they love you and want to be with you..
19. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
Tell the people I love how much they mean to me, and go see how much fun I could have in a day..
20. Who is the person you trust the most?
Thats a hard one to answer- myself I guess
21. Last time you smiled?
Just a second ago answering these questions, im enjoying it
22. What are you listening to right now?
The radio of course, its what i need plus tea to wake me up.
23. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
lol.... Id get into trouble if i wrote that! lets just say it was thoroughly entertaining so i slept in..
24. Are you talking to someone while doing this?
No, only giggling away at myself for that last question
25. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Definately wide open.
26. Is there a quote you live by?
Yes quite a few. If you give up your dreams you die... Never regret anything you did do only the things you didnt...The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work..
27. Do you want someone you cannot have?
Of course I do.. the fact we cant have it makes it even more appealing.
28. Who always makes you laugh?
My kids, my fella, and my friends
29. What was the worst idea you’ve had this week?
Contemplating closing down the website, which im not sure is good or bad yet, im finding myself wanting to take some time out now. money isnt worth missing life, I just work to pay others anyway.
30. Do you speak another language other than English?
Lol.....Yes besides some french, I speak my own kind of norfolk pumpkin lingo, that only makes sense to me...