Its been a manic start to the week as i expected, trying to get everyone back to school and finding that enthusiasm to start work again....I took time out from work for a change and actually got myself well and rested up all ready for the new year..
Yesterday was a busy day, i have all sorts of plans for 2009 starting with lots more salsa and riding so last night i went to the stables to kick that one off....lol It was snowing when we walked the horses down and although cold, it was totally magical...
The group is such a laugh, there were 9 of us in last nights group which is the most ive ever been with, with me spending most of the night watching the guys arse in front of me....lol i know its not polite to stare but he had the tightest jodhpurs on ive ever seen and i couldnt stop laughing watching him rise and trot, it did start and finish the night hillariously funny for me.. jodhpurs really are a no no for some guys! hes so posh but was so nice to me, i actually felt guitly knowing id been sitting there behind him in hysterics..oops ...lol
Tonight im taking on the belly dancing and salsa class all in one night again ! ive missed my friends over xmas so arranged to meet up with Stelli and go shake some hips that i havent got..lol I know im going to ache tomorrow but im starting how i intend to go on so 4 hours of vigerous dancing should start the ball rolling and hopefully start getting me back into shape...
I hope this year i can start finding that confidence to start more of the armwork and body movement, im fine when ive had a vodka but cant do the spins very well then..hehe so i need to push myself a bit more now..
I had to giggle last night when i preparing for riding the triplets were obviously all tired from their first day back to school as one by one i watched them all fall asleep on the sofa, so i covered them up and then went to get dressed , when i came down my fella was out for the count, its not easy sometimes to find your get up and go, especially watching the snow fall outside knowing you are gonna freeze, but somehow as soon as im up the stables i just come to life, the best part for me is wrapping the horses up ready for bed and knowing youve done something nice for them...
Ive met some really nice people there, they are all such characters but i think thats why i fit in so well, nobody judges, just tries to have fun while learning something good.
This year i am trying to do more jumping, im crazing Kevin , him and claire are both amazing, Ive always wanted to be able to ride well enough i can go off up the beach ... No amount of money anyone could offer would better that for me, its been a dream for a long time to go cantering off up that sand, so instead of just dreaming im going to try and make it happen..
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