Video (rueda, all of us)
Last night was one of the best nights we have had up the staithe, Sharon took the warm up and got us all doing the new regaetton routine..lol That was such a giggle, me and Roses were giggling our heads off.. Ive got 'I like to move it' running through my head still..
Heres steve dancing with zena, i managed to get a lot of video last night but still cant get me dancing with him properly, i either dont do what im told (nothing new there then) or he sets me off with a double spin everytime, so i stop at one and smirk at him wickedly.... its a good job he loves me thats all i can say...lol
video(Steve, Zena)
Next week i am going to get us dancing together, and ill even try to do as im told..just for one dance anyway...we are all going to the Talk for one hell of a great night out, so ill make sure i take that camera
You'll see a little bit of everything in the videos, us messing up the rueda as we were doing our version of 'forgot that one' but as usual Sharon and Richard made everyones night such a brilliant one..
We had a friend of ours come last night, which was great, it was Ken from tuesdays class, this guys has me in stitches all night and between us we manage every week to get into trouble, but he really enjoyed himself, im so pleased !!
video(Jo, Steve,Richard, Sharon)
What a great night last night was!...
Its not just salsa ... This is S & R salsa......................
At its best.............................hehe
Sharon and Richard
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