Is it Friday already....lol wheres the week gone..
Its been another good one again, im doing all sorts of stuff this end now but im really enjoying myself..
I set myself a challenge last week so today will be spending the day on a sewing machine, im looking forward to this..
The kids have just left for school, my fella has left for a very important meeting and im left with a sink full of washing up and a trail of kids stuff that just miraculously got there by itself again..lol
But today ill get done quick as i know the days mine to do Jos stuff, they will only wreck it when they get home anyway, ill tell myself that one and bypass a few of the jobs...hehe
I have to say im so proud of my kids, yes they are messy (i was too at that age) they argue (so did i with my sisters) but they are all kind hearted and never fail to tell me how much they love me everyday when they walk out of that door, it makes every morning special for me..
I came back from salsa last night to find pictures all over the kitchen... Brandon had been designing clothes ! there was also picture of the dress i was making on my manequin, i was pretty shocked just how good he really is, he may not be top of the class in writing but his drawing skills are incredible...
Theres so much going on at the moment i cant say my lifes boring...
Ive decided im finishing the dress today as it cant sit there forever, i was intending to wear it when i eventually did tie the knot down the beach, but my tastes have changed so im going to stick it in the site instead, i have bags of stuff that never got finished and my challenge is to work through every garment and finish the lot ! lol my fellas been helping me sort out whats what so im going to get my creative head working again and do something positive with it ..
Last night we were with Sharon and Richard at the Staithe for our salsa lesson, my legs werent quite as bad as last weeks (i couldn't do anything right) hehe.. but our night was cut short sadly as my fella was in pain and couldnt dance as he usually loves to , so we learnt the routine Richard showed us and are going to spend some time this weekend getting that right, its the healthiest ive felt for months so a great way to keep that feeling..
Today i also need to book tickets for the salsa night at the Talk http://www.dancecuban.net/section/1/articles/reviews-on-cuban-groups-and-events/la-cuban-ritmo/ theres a band coming that noone wants to miss on the 7th February (including me..oh yes!) so along with a group of our good friends we are going along, theres so many good gigs and events happening at the moment.... so much to look forward to is always good in my books...
Im excited this morning for my fella, hes got probably the most important meeting hes ever had, so my thoughts and love are sitting in that seat beside him today..
When i told him that this morning he laughed and said " That means they will be asleep then like you always are in the car" .... lol
Have a great day everyone, when i finish this dress ill post a photo for you all to see...
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