Last night was belly dancing and salsa.. oh my word what a brilliant night We had it was such good fun...
The belly dancing showed me how stiff ive become over xmas as although i havent got much hip didnt i struggle to get them wiggling, i was as stiff as a board from riding the night before so couldnt get the coins to jingle on my belt..lol (im gonna cheat next week and make everyone giggle with my fellas xmas pressie he got me....you know what im talking about dont you Sharon and Stell.... im gonna wear them just to see if it works..lol
We had great fun in the class and instead of Lorraine taking it easy on us (as i hoped) she certainly made up for my weeks off and made the class a testing but good one, by the end of the lesson i was starting to already feel knackered and id still got a 2 hour salsa class to get through... serves me right for cramming so much in this week..lol
The salsa though i didnt have to worry about, thanks to the hip shaking warm up, i wasnt as bad as i thought id be, its been a while since weve done cross body style and although i was told im moving cuban style (hehe) i did really have a go and really enjoyed the class ..
I got to partner some great guys last night and had such a giggle in the process, deriks back to classes now full time so i made sure i kept grabbing him, hes such a nice bloke and brilliant fun we spend half the time trying to stop laughing as i sing to him as we go along (badly too).. my fella was kept entertained all night but looked more than happu as i couldnt get near him ... lol one lady was chatting him up and believes hes single, so i left him to it but had enormous fun watching him turn red.. hehe
We finished the night off in the bar (no vodka though) a group of us all got together to catch up and see what things we could plan for this year, between us we should be able to come up with some great nights out.. the last time we were all together was on the salsa boat and as that feels like such a long time ago now we have lots to catch up on....
Last night I slept like a baby, I felt so happy when I got home and didnt eat the fridge as i used to do. I was happy that we picked up where we left off with last years fun stuff, so will keep this feel good feeling and make sure im there every week now..
Tonight i have a cosy night in planned, im putting the kids to bed early grabbing my fella loads of candles and having a long soak in that bath (yes together) hes promised me i dont have to sit on the plug as usual so its a date.. We're cooking something nice and enjoying a night in..
As tomorrow it all starts again........... my favourite night of the week.. oh Yes! Stalham and Sharon and Richards cuban class.. I may be a little stiff at the moment but we're going to try sort that out tonight by dirty dancing round the lounge, so will be back to full force and ready to salsa by tomorrow.. I cant wait......
I actually think i have salsa withdrawl syptoms today as i just heard shakiras hips dont lie and felt my spirit soar, its like feeling the sun on your face from inside out...
It may be cold outside but these hot salsa nights bring warmth, fun and so much more than just dancing..
Who cares about the weather eh..... not me today..lol
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