Its up with the early birds today, last night was such a great night..
My brick wall id hit with my salsa had thankfully disappeared and my god wasn't that one fun night, i was in my element..
We started the night off with bachata, so i got to be Sharon's partner in the center, my fella was smiling all the way through, theres something so lovely about bachata music, i totally love it..
It was great to see the place so full and to see Roses again http://rhhblackthorn.blogspot.com/ she always looks so stunning, I cant believe how fast everyone is picking it up, you can never see it yourself, but watching you all dance, we really can, i can honestly say the more I learn, the more I love this.. Its become part of my life now..
The guys were on their feet all night, i don't know how they manage it, but after the lessons finish we all get the chance to put into practise the moves we have learnt, the musics brilliant and the people are just so lovely, its every ones favourite night of the week..
Yesterday i spent time in Richards site http://www.dancecuban.net/section/2/rueda-moves/index.html trying to learn some Spanish so ill know whats coming when the rueda moves are called, but dancing with my fella i don't think i stopped laughing long enough to concentrate on the calls, its so much fun to do, and really helps your salsa, I came home on such a high..
I couldn't believe it when i walked in there was a guy there who looked so familiar but i didn't know where i knew him from, so after a while i went over, i then realised where i knew him from so caught up , His name is Geoff i worked with him for years when i used to tailor suits, he hasn't changed a bit but apparently i have..lol The last time i saw him i was with my ex Geoff and nothing like the person i am now....... thank god for some changes eh.........lol
I had such a great night and its all down to 2 very special people, Sharon and Richard.. They are very special to us all...
I'm sure everyone who was at the Staithe last night will agree, these guys put so much energy and passion into their Cuban salsa it makes the night so much fun for us all..
I couldn't sleep when i got home, i headed straight for the peanut better and talked for England about all the moves..
So if you want a guaranteed smile on your face every Friday morning, get yourselves down to stalham and come join the fun.........
Right time for breakfast... all i can think of this morning is Yogurt........lol
And if you want to know why that's making me giggle, come along and find out...hehe
Theres so much happening this weekend , we have been sitting here discussing how we can fit everything in, tonight our friends are at the Keir Hardi for a cuban night, and i really want to go, tomorrow we have a party (again salsa) and sunday we want to go along to the rueda night...lol
How on earth are we gonna do this lot, ive promised the kids a trip to the amusements too and fish and chips !! so im currently sitting here trying to windle out a way where we can do the lot, I dont care if Monday i wake up and feel knackered, I dont want to miss any of these...
So if i plan this right the kids will get to sheringham tomorrow, fish and chips tonight with video then off to dance later... tomorrow is already planned and i know quite a few of our friends are expecting us sunday so its not going to be a quiet weekend.... not by a long shot..
But what better way to warm up the winter blues than red hot salsa..
I've spent months staying in before xmas missed countless parties, so what the hell...............lol
Everynight this weekend it is then...............Salsa !!!!!!!!
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