Yesterday went well, im still in high spirits regardless of the rain teaming down outside..lol
I spent the night huddled up into my fella on the sofa trying not to think of the big bag of sweets sitting in the fridge calling me..I vowed id eat healthier so im gonna stick to it, the local shopkeeper Jazz keeps trying to torment me and is hanging the sherbet outer spacers literally in front of that til now, what am i like... she doesn't think ill last 2 weeks so i will now ...hehe
Between me and my fella were taking it in turns to cook every night and coming up with some fantastic meals, yesterday was something new a lamb casserole done with wine and cream, ive honestly never tasted lamb like it, it was incredible even Sandra took a pot home for her tea..
Im so blessed having a guy like i have, he comes dancing with me, loves music as much as me and will try anything once, that's why we eventually got to salsa, i always wanted to learn the dance so both went along, its thanks to him that im who i am, hes just as mad as me so encourages it...lol
Today im not sure what ill be getting up to yet, im still working on the samples so am playing the day by ear, I have a new bird table my son made me last night at boys brigade that ive promised to hang up although i think looking at the weather today the birds wont be worrying about feeding in it they will be using it as a shelter.............hehe
Anyway its time to get the tribe ready for school, my fellas already awake by the sounds of it , I can hear his version of 'Prince' and 'Kiss ' being sung in a manner only he can manage coming from the kitchen with the kids screaming at him to shut up..
Just your typical breakfast then...........................
I think ive just reminded why i dont usually wake him up til the kids have gone to school.....lol
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