Its been a totally brilliant week ! so much has been happening hense my lack of blogging...lol
Where do i start?
Sunday; We went to our friends house for a BBQ with the kids, it was a real giggle i ended up staring in my kids version of a home movie with a dinosoar as my leading male but thoroughly enjoyed myself , The weather was glorious so we all made the most of it and stuck on Shakira, dancing out on the patio ......I would show you the photos but i looked like a chicken ! lol
Monday; Was the all day and night Dancecuban fiesta party day ! OMG This i have to say has got to be one of the best parties ive ever been to, we did class, after class trying new things, my kids were all up on stage doing regaetton with Sharon! that was brilliant even the boys loved it. By 6 i had to pop home to shower and change and drop off the kids, that was the hardest part of the day sitting there waiting for my eldest to come home at 7 was deadly i honestly wanted to go to sleep ! talk about a lightweight !! lol
We went back for the evening party without the kids so could enjoy the mojitos and they didnt let us down, the whole event was one not to be missed, so much atmosphere that place was so alive, we were treated to drumming with Jose and his group, Ariel did Orisha and then had everyone lined up in a mass of excitement and regaetton, i will never forget that night, I had some brilliant dances with my fella not to mention some of the guys there, they are the ones i used to look at it owe and would hide up or pretent to be changing my shoes when they even so much as looked at me, now we're dancing with them ! it was totally amazing..

Tuesday: I woke up again with a dreaded migraine, serves me right for doing so much the last 2 days, using energy i didnt have but decided id find it anyway , I paid the price.. Id still do the same tomorrow though and wouldnt have changed a thing, sadly i missed my riding as i wasnt fit to ride, the day was a blur of sleep and elephants in my head...hehe
Wed; I finally started to load in the new gear ! its taken me days, we were either out with our friends or me in bed in between so i was glad to see the site filling up again..
I wore one of my new silk dresses to the salsa evening and have never had so many compliments! im getting better at being able to wear dresses now and enjoy wearing them to dance in... some of the girls have ordered them so if we all turn up dressed in the same we will just join up to do rueda !! lol where theres a will theres a way, dont they say.. :)
Thursday: Again back to salsa ! my god are my legs killing me now, I had the most amazing dance with a young man who certainly knows how to shake it..lol My word that danced pushed me but apart from standing on him at the start (nerves) i got through it and went home knackered and completely on a high !! a few of us girls sat outside under the stars last night to cool off, it was breath takingly beautiful , the moon was so low it felt like you could reach out and touch it ! Thursday nights are amazing up there, we have such a brilliant group of friends, it feels like you're part of something really special.......
Today; Im a wee bit stiff i will admit ( understatement) but have managed to get through the housework and orders, so im gonna try enjoy the sunhsine, my house is empty (and very peaceful) the kids are all out and my fella is in a meeting for the afternoon.. lol Ill tell him ive been really busy of course, but go sneak out in the garden to do some sunbathing..hehe
Tonight we are out again ! theres a salsa night at the Talk not to be missed ! so im not gonna..lol
Tomorrow im aiming to hit the Keir and Rompe the night away in style... so by next week i should be feeling so fit ! .................
Fit to drop of course.... lol
Have a brilliant weekend everyone...
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