Ive been confined to home today.. how boring is that !
I was supposed to be doing something different but yesterday proved to be another day of passing out on everyone so I'm not allowed out to play !! lol
No seriously i really wasn't well, all day i felt dizzy until eventually i passed out again, god Im giving all those jokes about dizzy blonde's so much ammunition....lol
I did speak to a Dr whos suggesting a blood transfusion now, this just gets better...... now i have bad blood too ? if they cant get the iron into your blood then they will give you blood with iron in it..
Some days im fine but then some days im waking up feeling like ive drunk a bottle of vodka and it isnt nice, i had to miss salsa Thursday because the same thing happened, perhaps i really am just dizzy....
I had no idea anemia can be such a pain, the fainting is one thing but when i wake up i have a stinking headache, pins and needles in my face and cant see clearly for hours, so if anyones got any good ideas to try, please pass them on.......
Meanwhile my fella and Mark are in Birmingham (looking very smart in their suits i must add) and im stuck wondering what to do with myself, i had the day planned but don't want to worry my fella so i promised id stay at home and take it easy..........god isnt it boring !! lol
Tomorrow im doing photos so im looking forward to that , looking at all that beautiful stuff all hanging ready and not being able to get it listed is frustrating......

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