Its nearly the end of another week! yipee that weekends nearly upon us again...
Yesterday was a bit of a blur, i came down with one of my dreaded migraines so got to spend my birthday stuck in bed most of the day ! lol normally I dont ever get a lie in here so i suppose i can say i spent the day doing things i wouldnt normally do .. it was just one of those things but thankfully although i missed my hack out with the horses i have rescheduled it and thankfully made it to the meal out with our friends last night..
That made up for the whole day we met up with our friends and spent the evening thoroughly being pampered and my fella thoroughly enjoying too much wine and celebrating for me.. haha
Hes guaranteed to get any party started thats for sure.. I had a lovely night and went to bed very happy... pity this morning i got up and the ruddy things still banging in my head ! I wouldnt mind if i had downed a few vodkas id even say i deserved it ...I wish i had done now...lol
Im looking at a huge vase of flowers this morning staring at me, you guys must know me pretty well I love flowers ! I also got Lillies and bluebells from one kind guy who had the misfortune to be here working with my fella when my migraine came tuesday (quazimodo look and all) so bless he turned up yesterday peeping round the door timidly to see what i looked like ...lol I did tell you that its pretty scary .... you are the only person apart from Sandra and Fay whos seen me like that... so ill accept the flowers happily as they are my favourites but dont tell anyone what i looked like please !! haha
Right im off to bed to try and get shot of this elephant, ive been packing since i got up kept the customers happy but need to get right by tonight, its salsa night and im not missing that for nothing........ so ill see you guys later !
Have a great day everyone, and thanks for all your happy birthday messages, im finally getting to read them today and open my cards..lol
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