Lol.. Boy do i ache this morning !
Yesterday was a busy day i had a list of things to sort out but got through the day and did most of them thankfully, ive been trying to keep today day free so we can go out and collect new stock, my fellas hurt his shoulder so cant do much at the moment..
Last night it was back to back riding with my daughter starting at 4 until eventually i arrived home at gone eleven from riding then straight into the new horsecare course which started last night, it was really good... We got to see the competition horses who are amazing, one who also decided he'd try to eat my jacket !lol
Kevins got a new horse up there who ive fell in love with hes huge and white but decided he likes to kick through the stable when hes bored, they dont realise how strong they are are, my friend showed me where his tickle spots are so i spent time watching him tilting his head amusing myself as i was tickling him, he was bred in France simply for meat thats why hes so big, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it, lucky for him a girl saved him and brought him here, hes not very old and is so beautiful...........
Last night i was back on Jack for the lesson who was much better for me thankfully, its not easy sometimes as i always seem to get the 2 horses that dont do what they are told and started the lesson scaring the crap out of everyone..lol,
I was the 4th one on last night so as everyone mounts we all line up outside the stables to go down to the arena, behind me Dillons rider is mounting but hes playing up so everyone was asked to move forward, the horse in front of me didnt move so i tried to cut through round to the back , Jack doesnt like other horses so you have to be careful with him. Anyway to cut a long story short he finishes up face to face with Ice and non of them would back down, Jack was up on his hind legs trying to kick out, Ice was coming forward so there was me sitting doing a lone ranger impression til jack decided he would back down, its not the first time hes done that when im riding him so all night i was getting the lone ranger soundtrack from the other girls..lol
Walking him back after lessons to his field is still my favourite part of the night so when Kevin asked me if i was going back there to work there i said yes, i realise how much i miss my Fridays, i can work harder on my other days, but that place gives me something money simply cannot buy and is so good for me spiritually..
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