Its been a busy week, Ive done lots of work and kept my head down, it feels like Ive got a list to get through but I'm taking it a day at a time and just keeping myself going..
My fellas been working on the website blog for me and changed it into what i wanted, so now comes the job of finding my creative head and adding some good stuff..lol that's been easier said than done.
I had such a weird call today its had my head in turmoil, in the end i called my partner and asked for some help.. lol I honestly didn't know what to think.. I'm such a mug at times..
She started by saying she had found my shop http://www.j-lou.com/ and loved the gear, she told me her name (which ill withhold) and said, she was in charge of a big company who deals with celebs, i listened patiently even though my mobile was ringing, the kids were all appearing home from school hungry and the house had started to become its usual chaotic self..
Anyway the story went on, did i watch TV? "No" i answered honestly "I only watch a couple of programmes or an occasional movie when I'm too tired to think or need to unwind"..
She went on about a programme that had previously run, called 'Last choir Standing' I remember my daughter watching that, so told her i had been aware of it but that was it ! she explained that one of the groups who were on the show were now setting up as a four man group, (the name ill withhold too) but that EMI were going to sign them who also had Leona Lewis and El Divo on their books, wow I love all of them and their music.
She said that she wanted to help me get j-lou on the celebrity map and that they had a photo shoot booked Saturday with this new group and thats where i came in...lol (heres the good part)
Would i give her 2 dresses each for the two ladies who both looked and had figures like Beyonce's of course... OMG... id go and measure them up if they look half as good as that lady does, shes so beautiful and talented and one of my heros (sorry getting carried away ) hehe
I didn't know what to make of this woman, she may/may not be genuine, who could tell. How the hell do you know who you are talking to on the phone and that you are not going to get stung again ? I had this happen years ago by an actress Annika Svenska who was presenting channel 4s 'Out There' a similar call saying she would get my label noticed and help, i stupidly got talked into making her 17 outfits to wear on her show with so many promises, never to hear from her again.... at a time when my kids were all tiny and i was battling to start my business, when you start out in this business you don't know how ruthless people can be do you , i learnt that one the expensive and hard way..
After about 30 Min's on the phone with this lady today telling me all she would do to 'help me' i explained that i run J-lou on my own... I'm not some big company that could afford to do this and lose money to sponsor some up and coming celebrities.
I couldn't have been more honest and made it clear that i am full time working mum to 5 kids and that i work hours most people wouldn't believe, but she carried on...
It went from , she would only need 2 dresses for these two Beyonce look alike ladies and she would do this that and everything else in between to help me and link to the website, by now i was totally lost as i kept asking where these photos would be put that the photo shoot was for? Surely if EMI or Mr sex on legs Simon Cowell was working with this group they could come up with funds to dress them for a photo shoot? but she wanted me and my look, i was getting pretty flustered by now at being treated like a mushroom so asked for her details so i could think about it and get back to her, she did give me her address and details... but she needed to know now, as if i didnt want to take this huge opportunity she was offering she would find another sponsor that would, Debenhams was mentioned as apparently they would jump at the chance... Yes they also have pot loads of money at their disposal for advertising, i don't ! i probably could come up with the pot !!
She then started to go through my site giving me code numbers of what she liked and asking me to write it down, i thought she said 2 dresses each? perhaps my ears werent hearing right ! at one point there were 13 on the list and some of them she wanted 2 each of, by now i'm wanting to get off the phone !
Thankfully i told her i couldn't make any decisions, id look into her company and talk to my fella, that she should call back and talk to him, which she did....... Thankfully he did get a word in and stuck up for me.......
What do you do when situations arise like this? it doesn't happen often but it does happen, they pick out your website and fill you so full of their celebrity jargon, you don't know what to believe.
My fella told her that i couldn't send out £600 worth of dresses to help this new pop group but that if EMI would like to purchase them we could offer a discount to help, her response wasn't so polite of course....lol
I didnt know what to think, or if indeed this was a ' huge missed opportunity' , but the truth is i couldn't afford to do it.. are people not aware that we are all trying to stay in business and having to work our bums off in the middle of a recession?
I have 4 lots of school uniforms to buy, endless bills (like the rest of us normal people) and cant work any more hours if i tried, so if the lovely Mr Cowell one day stumbles across my blog and frowns at the mad woman who turned down his amazing offer of giving away her kids school uniform money and next weeks shopping allowance to dress star studded celebrities, i hope he'll understand why..lol
Perhaps we should all ring up the big companies and see if we can get any free clothes?
I may have a big heart and want to help people, but sadly i don't have a wallet like Mr Cowell does.... (or even his high waisted trousers) but i do have some rather nice low rise jeans....lol
If all else fails she can always try those helpful politicians.....lol
I hear they can put anything down as expenses and not be answerable, so reaching out to the stars probably hasn't been claimed for yet !!
I did say probably...............hehe
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