Oh my word, ive been in the wrong house this weekend !
Our friends came and collected the kids after school Friday, who in the right mind would take my 4 to theirs for a whole weekend...lol
No seriously these guys deserve medals, all weekend they have given up their time and home and gave my kids one hell of a brilliant weekend. They had cooking pizza competitions Friday night followed by games room, pool table and jacuzzi so the kids were in their element ! yesterday we picked them up took them to a party then was asked to drop them back ! I couldnt believe anyone would want to do that let alone spend so much time like they have done doing stuff with them all, they hired a private swimming pool , took them out for dinner so by the time they got back to us all 4 were totally worn out..lol
I had to giggle as my house has never been so quiet, it felt so weird not having them around us and me having to constantly juggle work kids and housework..
They worked out straight away my lot NEVER shut up ! constantly the triplets all talk together so it just gets louder and louder and half of why you feel so tired is because of the noise levels, you're trying to listen to all three at the same time all wanting something different..lol
We invited them back to ours last night so we could cook them dinner as they both understandably looked really tired , but the kids havent stopped talking about their weekend since they got back, they really love these guys..
Lauren has come home a different little girl and even made the beds this morning !! Its done us all so much good as the kids needed a break as much as we did, so my house feels a much happier one today...
Ive managed to do so many jobs i never get time to do too......lol
(Credit to Sandra for the clean patio doors everyone keeps trying to knock themselves out on)...oops
Ive even managed to get plenty of rest which in this house doesnt ever happen..(didnt get breakfast in bed though, not even a cuppa!)
We've had a whole weekend just being Jo & Steve which we have made the most of while the kids did so much fun stuff, so this weekend was a very special one for everyone! thanks to you...
You guys have given up your whole weekend to do this, and have to go back to work this morning, i know how hard my lot can be..
So from us 6 back here (steve still in bed) coming to your house this morning ... is a HUGE
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