I had a great conversation today with my friend on what makes a bad girl and its got me thinking....lol
Take Angelina Jolie for instance for me shes the sexiest woman on the planet, not just because of those lips and perfectly created face but her whole essence of being a woman her manner ...mmmmmm
She oozes sex appeal and shines...........she knows what she wants and goes for it, to some people its wrong and she was seen as the marriage wrecker by many who all favoured the girl next door Jennifer, but.......
It takes two to tango, and Brads a grown man (and sexy as hell), do you spend the rest of your natural life with someone who you love but are not in love with or move on and follow your soul to feel alive and live your life to its full ....... mmmmmmm
This lady is a powerful female and knows what she has but its also her whole mannerism, her confidence, i don't see her as a femme fatale, i see her as a strong woman who doesn't care what society says she goes her own way in life, being different by being herself and enjoys being a woman.....
She has her own values and does her bit for society in many ways so why is she labelled a bad girl, for a few tattoos and a wind in her hair outlook ......
What guy or girl on the planet wouldn't want a night with such a woman, i know i would .... lol... if shes as free spirited in her sexual manner as she is in life, brads a very lucky man ........
Then there is poor Britney, shes ridiculed by the press for being the good catholic kitten turned into the cat... then smeared all over the press every time she has a bad day..... don't we all get them, some days when you have more important things to do or feeling stressed we put ourselves on the back burner, and forget there may be the paparazzi outside waiting to catch you emptying the bin......lol....give her a break... she gets hurt and used like the rest of us and in life we learn by our mistakes........
Most of Britney's problems stem from the fact that shes been used so much, the fame has brought with it a burden, men and hangers on, who is a genuine friend to her and are they friends to gain something other than friendship ..... who does she trust........ shes still so young........
She married a true bad boy who then proceeded to tum his head at everything female in sight except his wife ....... its all a matter of confidence, and shes had the stuffing knocked out of hers that's why i believe Paris Hilton is good for her,(no not for the no knickers bit) but that fact Paris doesn't care less about what anyone thinks about her and does opposite to what shes pushed to do ......... good on ya... lol
she has the wealth, a strong Independence, and huge sex appeal and simply enjoys her, every days a party lifestyle........ who are we to judge, i don't ...... and if you are one of those judgers why ? is it that it really does show up how boring your own lives really are ........
Society tries to calm them down to fit their own needs ...
A bad girl Ive worked out is a woman who's Good at it ...
Shes free spirited a true independent woman, showing off her sensuality and not afraid of feeling alive and taking risks ........ lives life for the moment ...............
She'll be the one smiling when she gets to her armchair memories........
as you have only one life to live........
Good girls go to heaven ...........Bad girls get everywhere ........ lol
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