Do you ever get one of those nights you never think you will get done and through it...
Im having one of those tonight!!
Im that tired i cant think straight, i have an un-invited elephant sitting inside my head again stropping about and i have to get done tonight..... so its typical...........
Steve's gone dancing bless, its the first time hes been in 12 days, he definitely had withdrawl symptoms..lol it made me giggle he was so excited to get there...
Dancing really has added so much to us, its something we can do together , but its brought so many smiles, at home were often trying to get the kids to bed so we can have a dance..lol it must sound like madness to our neighbours sometimes, but what the hell life's all about laughing and doing silly things , it makes you feel good ..
This week has been incredibly hard, even at our standards, ive been trying to get the stock ready to move, still packing and sending out orders and Sandra who helps me is on holiday for two weeks.... Although nobody deserves a holiday more in my eyes, ive never met anyone so caring as her... When i opened my wardrobe Monday there was a gift all beautifully wrapped with the words " Jo please open on the 26th " I hope it brings you a smile"...
I'm not often stuck for words but it did really hit, she remembers everything, its the anniversary of Neils death then and she knows i always try to find my smiles, so this year shes tried to make the difference.... how special was that.......... it was very special to me, i have no idea whats inside but already i know it will bring a smile....
I hate feeling down, but i do a little tonight, probably because i know i will be sitting here all night trying to get done and tomorrows not going to be any easier.. its times like now, i need my kids energy..or ten cans of red bull..lol Ive cooked the most unimaginable tea that nobody wanted and ended up overfeeding the dogs.... serves me right really they did offer to go get fish and chips..lol
Whats happened this week? well i went riding out on our last night hack Monday.. it was beautiful, i took Estelle with me and it made for a wonderful night, one horse fell over, bless as it was very muddy but there was something so special about being out there..
The wind was blowing really strong, but it was so warm, ive never been riding when a storm was blowing up but it was amazing, i rode Pip who never fails to disappoint, shes small but has so much inside, so between her and mother nature they gave me one hell of a smile to take home...
Friday i was working as a volunteer at the stables and was entertained all morning by Megan, shes such a friendly little thing, she doesn't like to go outside in the fields (she also escapes and wanders up the main road) lol so i was given the pony yard to muck out with her helping..lol
All morning what ever stable i was cleaning in she came with me..hehe its not easy trying to sweep and muck out with a white curious pony helping out, i had 8 to do in that block and every time i had finished one did she go in there and roll about all over the neatly laid straw... it made my day i was talking away to her and loved the company, she knew i had polos down my chaps so spent most of the time trying to eat my leg........lol
Saturday and Sunday i was totally useless... i woke not on top form at all, my fella had lovingly passed on to me his man flue bug so i wasn't feeling too good at all, i couldn't keep awake and even apologised for taking the mickey out of him for having man flue......lol
it really wasn't nice, i felt pretty rough so did the basics for the house and left the computer off all day, i didn't answer my emails and spent Monday apologising to everyone who had been patiently waiting for replies... I was lucky as everyone was really nice, but i cant believe id been caught by that man flue thing.. it really is worse than the women's one !! Ill humbly vouch for that one now... hehe
The rest of the week has been work, work, work, i haven't been dancing since Thursday and even then i wasn't feeling like myself , its not the same when my fellas not there, i really missed him... don't tell him though or he'll take me for granted....lol
So after the floods flues and just about everything else that's been going on this end i decided i wanted the work done and out of the way...i don't want to wake up knowing theres an endless list that i cant get to the bottom of (that happens with the washing basket here too) so Ive set myself goals to do every day so by the weekend ill be up to date and moved premises.. lol its not so easy to carry out though on your own.... in fact ive found out its near on impossible.....................lol
So tonight ive missed my dancing to try and get more dresses loaded up, cancelled riding tomorrow (i was doing a gymncana) and hopefully will eat enough sherbet while i work that ill find that little extra burst of energy to get this done....before the elephant decides to put me to bed...lol
Migraines should be banned, and my corner shop should also be served a ban....
For always hanging those sherbet things right where i can see them......(they are called outer spacers) and it just about sums it up for me tonight.............
I feel like I'm in outer space....... and looking at the big black hole that i need to fill this week....lol
Tomorrows another day i keep saying to myself..... if i don't stop blogging and get on it will be here sooner than i think...............lol