Good morning everyone ! that suns out again.....lol
Apologies for not posting, Google wouldn't let me in for some strange reason, but it looks like they have sorted out the problem, its like losing my diary, so the last week Ive turned to music...
Ive had quite a week, the usual running around like a headless chicken, Ive had the kids here bored and already just over a week into he school holidays im swearing to myself at the destruction they can cause in 5 Min's flat........lol god was i that bad to my mum, I'm paying for my sins....hehe
My fellas been hard at it, so were doing the ships in the night job, i do occasionally see him when I'm on my way to bed and laugh at him asleep with his shoes on in the morning when i get up and find him cuddling the laptop ! boys toys eh..lol But i cant complain as hes trying to help, so ill make tea and try and be as quiet as i can........
This week we've been out dancing, he went to the classes Tuesday, but i took the night off.. i had things to do here and look liked a pot bellied pig so decided id skip the night, i ended up working most of the night but had my music on and thoroughly enjoyed myself.....
Monday was great, I went riding again with the lord..lol this week he was put on the horse i rode last week, his name is Jack and he doesn't like to move much...lol his face was a picture when they said who he was on, but he got him cantering easily... so i now know i how crap my kicks really are......lol I had Billy this week and my god i struggled... the lesson was outside and he looked like he was ready to go to sleep...... I was out of breathe after about 2 laps..lol Kevins promised to take us out hacking tonight, so I'm looking forward to that...
Wednesday we went to the hog in armour to the dance class.. mmm it didn't go as well this week, my fella struggled and couldn't understand what the instructor was saying, so he didn't look so happy, so instead of staying and doing the next class which i was planning on, we left early and went and got chips ! they were lovely though.....lol
Thursday was my favorite day of the week, we went to Stalham to the Staithe for Sharon and Richards cuban salsa class.... its the one we all look forward to now, you get to do the class and they have a dance afterwards, so its like a night out for everyone... We did more Rueda and some really good combinations, i loved the night, the people there and had to giggle when on the way home the car decided to have a puncture ! lol my fella was out soaked trying to change the tyre with us 3 girls all standing watching hopelessly.. Cheryl and Francesca went and knocked on a door to ask if we could borrow a torch and a guy who they described as an axe murderer answered in his dressing gown...... hehe they were running on without realising the window was open and the guy was probably cracking up at what hed been called, he did lend us a torch and didn't offer an axe of any kind so we were all thankful to get back in that car.........
Friday i worked at the stables all day again, what started off as volunteering for an odd day has now become a regular thing, it was hard going, i actually went home and fel asleep in a heap ! lol but its for a good cause , i love being up there in the fields and just have to work harder now on the days in between..
This weekend ive had a quiet one ! (that makes a change doesn't it lol) we had several invites but both had work to do, so as the money tree at the bottom of my garden isnt blooming as the kids would like i had to work......lol Its been good though as ive downloaded some new tracks onto the much loved headset and have spent the weekend singing away quietly to myself (although the rest of house said i sounded like a dying cat) oops.. Ive been practising belly dancing and the dreaded hip drop at every opportunity and have worked out if i do one particular wiggle my fella will actually step away from the computer.... my song of the week has definitely got to be Work by Kelly Rowland.. its energetic enough to stop me getting bored, and great to dance to..
Im looking forward to this week, i have still got a fair bit of work to get through, so if my fella sits up all night, ill be joining him... If that sun does come out for us, then ill turn nocturnal and burn the candle at both ends for a week............lol
Right its time for that W word again, ive got photos to print, a printer that doesnt work and have to pack up all the weekends sales, ive been a good girl and already done the emails to try and get ahead.. its monday ! and im hoping this week will be a really good one........
Happy Monday everyone.. have a good one today...
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