Its been a really good couple of days, Last night we were in Stalham for Sharon and Richards Cuban salsa class, it was a really god night, but the best part most people usually miss..lol
Right at the end last night there were 4 couples left and Richard got us doing rueda, lol i havent laughed that hard in a long time, it was hilarious, we were going so quick all i could see was Adrian running around with his arms waving about! it finished a great night off as usual and added the icing on the cake for us all, Thursdays now we really look so forward to, its not just the dancing its such a sociable night, every ones always so friendly...
Ive booked me and my fella up for the body styling classes now, i went in may to Sharon's class and know how good these are, it was what first got me into Cuban style, week after week she planned different things and every week was brilliant, i used to really look forward to them, so i for one am glad we are going to get that chance again, the guys will learn from Richard and if its half as good as Mays classes were then we are all in for one fun packed afternoon.. with many giggles......
It was an early start today, i was going to take the day off from the riding school but changed my mind last minute so prepared with a waterproof off i went...lol
What a day..........its been totally brilliant, i was worn out when i came home and apparently was falling asleep when my fella was talking to me so Ive grabbed an hour power knapp and woke up like Ive had a full nights sleep......lol I feel great !
Ive been out getting soaked all day and really enjoyed working there today, the men all went out into the fields so i was left alone to groom the horses once i had got them in.. that part i totally love, watching their expressions when you get that brush on their itchy bits..lol
You can see they realy enjoy it. I took 3 hours getting through them one by one, I totally lost track of time , so i must have been enjoying myself... I didnt leave though until i had done the last horse... how could i leave one covered in itches.......lol
But i totally loved it today.. the rain just made it better...
Walking the horses through the fields this morning was unbelieveable, the rain was steaming down, but the sun was out shining through it...
Looking across those meadows with the horses running free and that view, gave me such a feeling inside, i had to just stop and stand there staring, moments like that are priceless...
Kevin brought me dinner, the men even made me tea ! now thats what i call a good day...lol
I came home as black as my fella has ever seen me..... hehe
I was covered in mud from head to toe... god! it feels good sometimes to get like that ..
My fella has always laughed and said i clean up well, so hopefully by tonight and with the help of a long hot soak, I will....
Tonight we are out with our friends dancing, we haven't been for a few weeks, so are all meeting up having a couple of drinks and dancing the night away, Cuban style !!.. so i may swap my vodka for mojetos tonight.... I am rearing to go now, rested up and so .... looking forward to this weekend.....
We were taking the kids camping tomorrow night, but the weathers threatening to delay it again, so Ive come up with what i think are good ideas to compensate and intend on having a great time regardless..
Ive found a place that has a beautiful wood where we can camp, he hires kayaks out too ! theres a field full of horses and so much beautiful countryside to surround ourselves in, i am driving down there tomorrow to see if we can arrange something, i haven't seen such a pretty place since the roundhouse, its in north walsham but unseen, unless you know its there..which we thankfully do now.. its simply perfect to camp out, i have this vision of a blazing fire, me cooking on it and my kids faces smiling all playing Ray Meers, in the fires reflection, so I'm going to make it happen.....
My fellas just about completed all hs work now too thankfully, so after another long day tomorrow hes free.................lol
Now theres no excuses for him ... no time like the present I say.......

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