What a night we had.......It was simply brilliant....
My house is still asleep, in preparation for the weekend ahead i think, lol
They have half an hour and the lot are being rudely awakened..lol
I want to get out there today...............
Last night we went to the Keir Hardie, it was Cuban night so you know its going to be a real good one, but it wasn't just the dancing last night, it was the people we were with...
We really are graced having so many good ones around us... you lot really are wonderful !
Sharon bless brought my top for me, id left it at Stalham Thursday night! (yes i do have a habit of leaving my clothes all over the place sometimes) hehe I was hot... it was that rueda that done it.. god what fun that was to do ..I bet you're still giggling Adrian...lol
We met up with Cheryl, Naomi Sharon, Richard, Jane, Adrian, Marco and so many lovely people, the night couldn't help but be a really good one, these guys all know how to party cuban style and it really made my night..
We also managed to add another friendly face in our car for our Thursday nights at Stalham, (yes Richard after watching you and Sharon dancing Naomis coming too ! ) .. hehe .. so we will happily fill the car up and bring as many as we can get there, as i know they will have a great night...lol
I want a sticker for the back of my car saying " follow us if you want to be cubanized".... hehe I wonder how may guys would follow a car ful of women all dressed up and ready to go....lol
I didn't have the best start, one guy asked me to dance so of course i said yes, but when i got onto the dance floor it was like a skating rink, i couldn't understand what was wrong with my shoes, but its a bit unnerving having someone spinning you around, knowing you are prone to sliding across the floor at any moment...lol So i decided id sit and watch instead.
Sharon told me to go and put some water on the bottoms of them and presto...it worked, i had to laugh, people must have wondered what i was doing outside, I had my shoes in my hands and were rubbing the bottoms along the concrete to try and brush them up a bit.. i didn't realise but with these dance shoes you are supposed to brush the bottoms... im glad i learnt that early enough that it didn't spoil the night, i would have been ok just watching, but when Sharon and Richard got us up doing rueda, i wouldn't have wanted to miss that for the world... it was brilliant..
Theres so many fantastic dancers there, yet i didn't feel silly having a go, they are such a good bunch of people and looked on smiling..
When i first went to this place, i used to sit there with Cheryl in owe, now were in the thick of a bunch a group that are totally welcoming and are great to be with.........
My fella got up enough confidence to ask our cross body teacher to dance .. everyone was looking, we all wanted to see if he'd do cross body or Cuban.... he did Cuban ! hehe well it was a Cuban night anyway, and he loves timber music ...lol thankfully so does she...
He was dancing so well last night, i have to get a video of him and Cheryl, they are amazing to watch, we've always been to the classes together so she knows the way he dances as well as i do.. But the next night im definitely taking my camera.. you guys were amazing..........
I just couldn't get it to work with my fella at the start of the night, so when he kept asking me to dance i sent him off with the other ladies.. but after a couple of vodkas and with the help of one brilliant track we had a real go........ I have to say, that's the best we've ever danced together, we were making moves up as we were going along and got lucky !! lol it was really lovely..he must have been pleased as he came home wearing that smile of his.....lol
The best part of the night so Ive been told was me.............lol
I LOST MY VOICE completely !! hehe i couldn't get anything out except a squeak....lol
My fella said that's why we danced so well together, cause i couldn't tell him off.............hehe
I had such a great night last night...
I went to sleep with a picture of you all in my head with your instruments.... its wonderful how you can throw in a group of people from all walks of life, yet between them they can make such beautiful music.. you don't need the venues! just throw a great group of friends together and listen............. Its a beat everyone can dance to. as its made together........
Thanks you guys, that's one of the best Keir Hardie nights Ive ever had.................
With a great group of people, im lucky enough to call my friends...........
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