Wednesday, April 30
Boogie Nights

Todays riding lesson (kick to canter)
This is Solomen hes jet black and lovely....
This is the horse i cant kick hard enough to put into canter, hes my challenge today to get it right, i dont care if its just a metre, ive got to do this today. Stellis had me doing excercises all week to rise and trot and kick on down, its not as easy as it looks, usually my legs are kicking when im up so i look like a mad woman having a fit..lol
Dollys bouncy this horse is rock solid but doesnt canter very easily at all, Karen (my teacher) brought her hat to ride him this week and couldnt believe how hard he was, she was puffing away and said he killed her legs..lol i am kicking like hell but he cant feel it... come on i used to kickbox for heavens sake, its official i can nearly get my black belt kickboxing but this horse is beating me...
I want to do the lung rope lessons bareback ! so i have everything to work hard for today ... im gonna do this today...lol
riding lesson no stirups
This is a lesson with Dolly, shes bouncy and brilliant to ride with no stirups, every week im doing excercises on her now to strengthen my ankles and back, this will be the horse im allocated in the group once ive learnt all the little bits, its so weird one place has me jumping on saturdays and the other is all legwork, excercises on the horse and technique, im enjoying the lessons at both schools and slowly getting better.. I cant wait to see how shadow reacts to me when i get on him saturday.. ive learnt a lot this week...
My goal is to get dolly into canter easily, the two horses im working with at the moment are both big and plodders, so its pushing my legs and strengthening them, my bum kills me after each class but according to my fella its rock hard now...hehe
I went from this horse to the black one above, i have not been able to canter him at all, so i was determined to do it this week...... time for that confident g string i think...lol
Friday, April 25

Thursday, April 24

Saturday, April 19

Wednesday, April 16

last night was salsa... it was a real tester.. we ended up having to move to the mirage suite as our usual room had lighting problems, that part was OK it was just trying to do the turns all night on carpet, we were all giving each other electric shocks..lol the lesson was great though and we learnt another few moves to add to the collection... its getting really good now, those first few weeks were just the basic steps now we are adding so many twists turns and cuddles in, I'm so glad we started the class, every ones lovely and we've made friends with some really nice people.. theres so many salsa clubs out there and weekenders, so hopefully if we keep trying we will get good enough to go along... Sharon who teaches at the forum was at the weekend one in Blackpool and won the competition she was in (she is brilliant) we are going along to Keir hardy this week on Friday as a few of us from the class are meeting up so hopefully we will feel that we can at least dance together and get some extra practise in......lol
Ive made another riding lesson video in so you can all have another giggle..lol I'm on another horse now who's really putting me through my pace, she wont go into canter easily so she is going to hopefully help strengthen my legs and my kick, as I'm still struggling with kick whilst in trot to get into a canter, Shadow does this easily for me but its not what i want, if i learn to ride then I'm going to learn properly how to ride anything, so no pain no gain, with a very sore bum and legs I'm being allocated Dolly... Shes much bigger than shadow at just over 16 hands and has a much wider girth, but i love riding her, although I'm usually scared of heights its different on a horse and i prefer the big horses best rather than the ponies, i was thrown straight on a big one and worry I'm hurting the smaller ones with learning to ride as we make so many mistakes....
Estelle bless is coming with me every week now and helps me so much, although I'm jumping at one school I'm not at the other, both schools are teaching me different things, its adrenaline on Saturdays with multi jumping but i still lack so much of the need to know stuff so the Wednesday school is all technique posture, rising correctly to help the horse balance and control work, so between them hopefully ill learn to do this right..The videos will all be posted so hopefully after watching me making an arse of myself you lot should all have a giggle... it was all leg work today so tomorrow I'll be walking like John Wayne again......lol
Anyway i have guests up tonight so need to grab a long hot bath .... have a great week everyone....
Monday, April 14
Carry on Riding lol
The weeks started as mad as ever, the kids are back to school and much happier as they can now play with their mates... school holidays are ok for a time but they get so bored....
Saturday was lovely the riding went ok, Stell videoed it again on her phone (its hilarious) it was really windy so i couldn't hear much of the commands given Sarah says A to C and change the reins and i do complete opposite..lol but i love being there so much... i have downloaded the first video below so you can all have a good laugh... and watch us learn to ride if you are interested... but i will put them all in as soon as i get a spare minute...
I'm on the white horse as lead, Lauren on the black pony behind and Sorrel is the arab chestnut you just get a glimpse of......................:( god i miss riding him so much...
Saturday was a good giggle, after riding me and stelli took the kids to my nieces birthday party.. i volunteered to help out with the face painting (stelli is a professional body/face painter) so as it was helping my sister we went along and helped keep them happy, I ended up pretending to supervise the bouncy castle just so i had an excuse to have a few goes....lol The best part for me was being with my younger sisters kids, Alicia is 4 and severely autistic, she doesnt talk and lives in a little world of her own, she doesn't like anyone being close so cuddles are out of the question but she sat down to have her face painted without saying a word, everyone at the party just sat there speechless, she is like a little doll so beautiful and i got to spend the whole afternoon just playing with her , Simon (stellis partner) was taking photos and took some beautiful ones for us, so i can now send some to my mum, its hard sometimes having a family all over the place, we are all so busy with our own families i know, but sometimes it really gets to me...
The evening was also lovely we had a night in with my fella cooking the most amazing meal again and just enjoyed the night talking having fun...
Sunday was catching up with the housework and the dreaded ironing ! all the samples also needing to be ready for the photos, so i ended up having to iron 43 tops on top of my usual families clothes....yawn
The stuff is gorgeous, i have one top in particular i am besotted with, not since i designed my slashed tops have i ever been this excited about a top.... I'm keeping one of each colour in no uncertain terms... and have put them first on the list to photo..
We have to do all the packing now as its just me and stell working and as we had a lot of orders this morning, i couldn't get on to doing the photos but tomorrow stell will take over for me and ill be able to kick up a gear....yes..........
Saturday, April 12
Paris in Spring

Sunday, April 6
White stuff

Thursday, April 3
April Showers

Its been a great couple of weeks, I'm still decorating what started just as a kitchen ended up going through different rooms, but once i had started one room i wanted to carry on..lol