Its nearly time for the kids to go back to school, ive enjoyed being here over the holidays but am ready to go back to work now..lol
The gardens are ready to plant up, whats in there is now getting snowed on this morning..lol ive been sitting outside as usual with my cuppa enjoying watching it like a mad women in my fellas oversized coat, but this is the type of sunday morning i love..its something a bit diferent
Everyones still asleep here after another late night so its wonderfully peaceful, with just me and my radio for company, Dayles up later so today should be a good day..
I had to giggle last night as my fella was showing me his new moves he had learnt yesterday (he does an extra class on his own sat) my god he is getting really good now, much to everyones amusement i was being swung round the lounge with style, everything seems to be slotting into place and he is really getting this down to a T...
We are hitting Paris Thursday so its going to be a busy week, i need a couple of days now without sandpaper or white spirit to let my hands heal as next week will be back to photos orders and juggling the hours again...lol
Riding went so well saturday, we had a fun lesson doing races and giggle stuff, Lauren beat me twice on Ebony we were trying to balance an egg while racing ...hehe
But then it was down to me on shadow and the other girl on Sorrell in a straight speed race.... i dont normally like competitions but i do hold a very soft spot for Sorrel who was my allocated horse before the other girl got him and i got moved onto shadow... so theres no way i was going down lightly and letting her win.... its a matter of principle.. mine..lol
Anyway speaking of competitions (dreaded word) ive enterered one ! i pulled out of something i loved years ago because of my dislike of that word, so yesterday when they were talking about next months jumping one, i opened my mouth before i had time to change my mind and said yes..... so im in !..........
Anyway its time for another cuppa and sit outside in all that lovely white stuff ! spring is certainly bringing a few suprises.......lol
White stuff....................
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