Its a milestone today, my eldest Ryan has finally reached his teenage years..lol
Im so proud how hes turning out, hes such a gem, not spoilt or stroppy, always helpful, he really is such a joy to be with and is turning out to be such a character.... hes kind to everyone but not a walkover like me ! ambitious like his dad, hes already working side by side with him on websites as a part time job, hes not the type to settle for a paper round by the looks of it..lol
This morning he gets up having had a wish come true ! (his schools on strike so day off) but his triplet siblings had to go to school as theirs was open...lol so today Ive come to work on my own and sent father and son out for a day of pampering and fun ! they are off up the city to meet Dayle for a shopping trip and then off for a swim, sauna and meal.... bless
Hes so happy to have got the day off school, my kids all have 100% attendance record so they don't take days off , unlike some kids, so i must have installed something right....
Hes made me one happy mum today, he didn't get much but you'd think he got a truckload judging by how happy he was, so i hope they have a great day today.... Happy Birthday Ryan xxx
Last night was riding again, i was late home so had to ride in my holey bum jeans (ouch) it was another no stirrup lesson too !! lol I still cannot kick hard enough when in rise and trot i look hilarious according to Stell, but im not giving up ! apparently its supposed to be like driving all of a sudden it will come together..hehe any other horse i can get into canter easily ..except this one.. she is huge so doesn't feel my kicks, as when i went on a smaller horse and kicked it shot off into canter at full pace.. lol so i can either ride smaller horses (nope) or i learn to strengthen my ankles and get this right... My legs and bum hurt like hell today (again) i looked like Orville the duck yesterday and this morning Stelli is having a right giggle with me.... I promise ill post the video this week (its the funniest one yet) but stell has to shorten it first as it was too good to miss apparently but its too big to email as it is... so ill embarrass myself as soon as its done and post it !...
I bought Lauren a new set of jodhpurs this week as shes growing up and got a real bargain they are bright purple and lovely thick cord, so yesterday when they arrived she couldn't wait to try them on... age 9-10 i was convinced they would be perfect...... but they were too big , so my fella told me to try them on as a bet... ive now got new purple jodhpurs (which is nice )but embarrassing as im about to hit 40 but now wearing aged 9-10 kiddies clothes to ride in... they only cost 2.49 with the postage, so as they were such a bargain, ill cut the tag out and swallow my adult pride...lol ... I may not grow any bigger, but hopefully ill get wiser... my 40th is nearly here , so if life really begins at 40............Bring it on...............lol
Its our 80s night Friday and we've been roped into dancing Saturday night at Keir Hardie, so the weekends going to be a busy one ... so its a night in tonight with the kids and something special to be cooked for my birthday boy.... lol
Have a great day everyone......

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