What a week its been, Ive wanted to write for the last few days, but haven't got round to being able to, its been work non stop all day, with all sorts happening every night, so the week seems to have flown by ....
We met up with Mark and Anna Friday for our night out..lol my god it was a giggle.. i did have a few drinks (that makes a change, i hear you say lol) and i danced til my feet ached, the night was totally brilliant and so much fun, an excuse to party and let your hair down is always good for the spirit.... especially if it keeps you feeling good inside lol .. don't quote me on that the next morning though please... god did i have a hangover..oops (that's the guys fault as i haven't touched alcohol in months and they were feeding me red wine and double vodkas.. tut tut.....hickup.........
We ended up at a Boogie night where everyone was as mad as us, it was about time my slashed top came out again... the last time i wore it i went pole dancing in Tenerife so its given me many happy memories and the reason to keep wearing it...lol I like feeling sexy and that only stays with you if you keep that sparkle alive in your eyes... (mine were definately glazed) lol
We're already looking forward to our next nights out with our new friends, so if they are anywhere as good as Friday was, then ill book the sitter to stay over...lol .. we didnt get home until very early (or late should i say!) and she had fell asleep sitting up my breakfast bar.. oops i tried not to laugh and it did cost me quite a bit extra (as i did mention i wouldn't be late )..oops its a good job she loves me... she knows i get emotional when ive had a few and laughs when i throw my arms round her telling her how much i love her, anyone who would put up with me worse for wear at that hour has got to love me....
So its a big thank you to our friends and a brilliant boogie night... they made me laugh so much all night my face hurt ... not to mention my feet.....lol
Saturday (after i got rid of my hangover) we had to start again, we had arranged to meet Cheryl and some friends for salsa so after a few " I cant do two nights on the trot" my fella persuaded me to get ready so we could hit the city and our salsa club... all our friends were there so we knew it would be another good night, i was so tired but as soon as i heard the music it kicked up my spirits again and up we got, bopping about again..lol
Cheryl will get up and dance with the professionals, shes so confident, i hide up !! lol I know its chicken but these guys really are something else.... So when one of the regulars comes and asks me to dance i wanted to shrink and curl up into a big hole, he is so very good... i tried not to look petrified and just had a go, i cut a couple of the turns short i think, but he was lovely and just laughed, its like stepping back in time there, the guys all ask you to dance in turn and its not polite to decline, its not like a night club where men all see you as a piece of meat... and the only reason they would ask you to dance was to hang all over you and hope their luck was in...lol
These guys at our club are real gentlemen, i danced with a guy who was in his fifties who literally swept me off my feet, Ive never danced with anyone so good and pray a few of the guys there now will also ask me, they watch to see what moves we can do and then work their leads accordingly, one by one they will gently add in another move until we then know a bit more, the better we get, the better dances the leads have, so everyone helps out and helps everyone else.............. wouldn't it be nice if the world was a bit more like that............lol
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