Hi everyone! My god the weeks flew by again..
I missed my salsa this week which wasn't so good as i went down with a dreaded bad head again but I'm determined to get on top of this work so ill free myself up by Tuesday...
Its not been the quietest week, its the dreaded half term, where us mums have to juggle keeping the kids entertained as well as carry on working, and to be honest the workload hasn't been an easy one, every spare minute Ive had I'm either listing making slashed dresses or hoovering up ! lol
My grandparents are both very poorly at the moment so I'm going to help out next week and redecorate their lounge (grandad pulled off the paper and filled all the holes up) then got ill so its not making them feel so good..
I love decorating so my fellas having the kids for me so i can go and make it look nice, my fella keeps giggling saying I'm multi talented.. lol
I don't agree with him that way, its just I'll have a go at anything so its all been good experience's for me, the more i try the more ill get good at....... hopefully....lol
I am a qualified hairdresser, lifeguard, and tailor and that's about the only things i can do well and enjoy doing..... except when i had the hump with my friend once! I was so annoyed at him when he came round for his hair cut i cut it wonky in a girls style on purpose at the back so he couldn't see what id done, he went down to his local like it.........hehe
god he was angry he had to shave it all off... lol
This week it was Halloween so ive decided it was going to be a good one, every year I'm either not here or working and id promised the kids this year would be different so i kept my promise..
They all had their friends round, i made costumes for them and painted every ones faces, they looked brilliant !i did make the mistake of buying these stupid bags though that give out a spooky laugh every time you open them ! big mistake after an hour i squirted each one with water to shut them up and told the kids the batteries were worn out.........hehe what! they didn't know any difference and 8 of them round my kitchen wasn't good !
I got into the spirit this year too painted my face bright green (with a few cobwebs and spiders thrown in) and had the most amazing black and green wig (which my fella hated) i know now not to go darker, id be dumped in an instance...hehe
I was thoroughly enjoying turning out the hall lights and scaring the kids when they knocked for trick or treat ! they were all giggling and telling others to knock here ( i did buy lots of treats for them) but decided they were going to have to work for them..lol it kinda backfired on me though as when the door went again out i jumped with a hairy hand first and green face, only to see this poor little kid running out of my garden to her mum.........ooops i had to go after her an apologise her mum thought it was hilarious but i did feel bad, i wouldn't let my kids trick or treat unless they were in a group so was surprised she was on her own (i wouldnt have done that bless if i had known) so Ive told her mum next year to drop her at mine so she can go along with our lot, she only lives round the corner and i think i must have given the poor mite nightmares.. I felt so bad...
My fella is being so good to me this week, we've both got lots to do, but hes been cooking night times and buying me flowers! and although we've been a bit like ships in the night lately, once im up to date I'm taking him somewhere nice for the weekend so we can just enjoy some time together, without the work or kids..I'm locking his laptop away... but you cant get a good connection easy in a tent anyway !! lol ...
I know sometimes its not so easy to be modern day parents, but that's how the world seems to work now, if you've got 4 kids its expensive, my lot are really good and don't expect anything they see on the TV, but what i hope to bring them this year isn't something you can buy... sometimes by keeping it real you can create the best memories...
I hope in the next couple of days i can get on top of all this work so next week i can relax a bit more, i want my dancing back badly now,I know Ive only missed a week but the weeks not complete now without it..I really missed you lot.. and my 'hips dont lie track'
I'm on a mission to make this year a better one, I'm prepared to work my bum off to have a break of some kind, our friends have arrived safely in Thailand so although i couldnt go for that length of time a week or two would be wonderful..
I was even thinking of proposing to my fella just so i can get away for a week ! so someone would hopefully step in from my family and help out a bit here..lol
Ive got more chance of winning the lottery i think.......lol
Nah! I like living in sin best anyway...it keeps him on his twinkle toes..lol
I don't know how he puts up with me and my sick sense of humour sometimes....
But he does.......
Thankfully ........
Anyway im shocked at what happened in X Factor ! I cant believe the public put those guys in the bottom 2 !! I love the 5 girls and so wont vote this year as i believe they are all stars..
I was sad Austin went as he had such a good voice.. what is that other guy still doing in there? i cant even remember his name today...he can sing but he definately hasnt got the x factor, more like the 'S' vote...
I love Ruth as shes just so sexy and definately has the sex factor (sorry i meant X) the way she sang 'Purple Rain' gave me goosebumps ! I think shes so passionate, and i love the fact simons hooked too!! hehe
Alexander ' as shes so brilliantly tallented and a great performer as well as singer, shes totally amazing so one of my favourites
Diane - as shes totally unique in her voice and has such a brilliant sense for fashion( shes todays 60s boho chick) And i totally love her style.. I think todays girls will follow this girls dress sense.
Laura as she has such a powerful voice... my hairs stand up on my arms when she sings
And Rachael , although she comes across as cocky sometimes , im wondering its her way of hiding the real her.. im still not sure about her yet,but she has a very powerful great voice , i think they've made her look so hard though...
Anyway saturday nights now are booked (im not going anywhere ) as im hooked ! lol
It makes me giggle as when the programme finishes my lot all start to sing...... lauren believes shes the next celine dion..lol perhaps she is.. who knows what tomorrow may bring eh..
Some peoples dreams actually do come true...
I think thats what drives us all sometimes.........
Have a great day everyone..........