I dont know what to do with myself tonight,when loved ones are very ill its so hard to deal with it..
My grandparents mean the world to me, they have supported me, brought me bits of shopping up every week and always been the strength in our family..
My sister just phoned from the hospital tonight in tears, grandad had his scan today as he was rushed into hospital a few days ago in tremendous pain and im afraid its very bad news tonight.
His main artery leading from his heart has an aneurysm in it, the scans showed up its the size of a small grapefruit 4 inches wide and could burst at any moment, the operation is scheduled for very early in the morning but if the situation gets worse they are going to have to risk the operation tonight, the hospital gave him some food at tea time as he has been so sick and lost so much weight they thought it would help build his strength as they hadnt had the results back from todays scan they thought it wasnt urgent and didnt know what was wrong..
The results were rushed through but did take longer than expected , if they had the results an hour earlier they could have taken him straight down to operate there and then.......
My nanny doesn't know the chances of his survival yet, we do.. my sisters now breaking the news to her tonight, all i can imagine is how lost she will feel if he doesn't pull through, they have been married for over 60 years.... the operation is a huge one and hes so weak at the moment the Dr's don't know if he will pull through... It brought back memories tonight when we were given 10% chances of survival of our triplets, they had to fight all the way but they got through one by one, the fact that their great grandad has been part of their life is one of the blessings i am also very thankful for, so tonight im in tears praying he isnt ready to leave us yet...
Mum is ringing me from Tobago tonight in floods of tears, we are trying to get her on the next flight home, but all she keeps saying is she just wants to see her dad alive and give him a hug, and nothing anyone can do tonight can help there, the flight sundays full so mondays the earliest she can come back......... shes so distraught and i don't know what to say to her to help...
All we can hope for is he lasts the night tonight and is given the chance tomorrow to fight for his life.. he wont leave my nanny without a fight, that i am sure of....
So if you're saying a prayer tonight...
Please say one for him ...........
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