Well its thursday already, the good news is grandads doing really well and is now expected to make a full recovery, hes out of intensive care and day by day is gaining back his strength...
Isnt he one tough cookie, the surgeon cant believe how well hes done, when they opened him up they said it had then started leaking so within 3 hours he wouldnt have been with us, its been a rough week for everyone but we honestly couldnt have wished for better news..
I went and collected my mum from Gatwick Tuesday...lol I had to laugh as she honestly never stopped talking, after about 2 hours i was sound asleep in the front seat and she was apparently still talking away..lol she hasnt changed at all that way, although shes lost so much weight she doesnt look anything like she used to, so we are all going to try and fatten her up a bit, ive been sending down hot meals to my nannies for everyone and with my sisters help we are all trying to help in our own little way.......
This weeks been so busy i havent stopped yet, but its really helped as it gives you plenty to do and passes the time quicker..
Tuesday was also my kids birthday !! yes ive survived 11 years now ! lol The day was as manic as you could imagine but a really good day for everyone, all our family came to see them and a few of our friends also made the day one to remember..
Ive started to feel more like myself again now, thankfully (thats my fellas words) hehe
Im still working round the clock but the finsihing post is finally in sight now so perhaps we can get back into our salsa now and start to enjoy a few of those parties !! lol
Im heading for paris this weekend at some point only for a day or so, so its a week to look forward to... its salsa tonight at the staithe so im grabbing a dress and boots and going to enjoy a vodka and dance with our friends....
You lot better watch out though ive been shut in all week with just a bucket of stress for company and boy do i need to let off some steam.............................lol
Dont say i didnt warn you all.....................lol
See you guys tonight xxx
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