Its been a brilliant morning..... what a way to wake up.. ive been with Lauren to our photo shoot on the horses........... i don't know who was more excited her or me, i was up at 5am and watching the clock............lol
The horses behaved so well for us, even if it was normally their day off, i fed them polos, gave them a huge kiss and hoped that made up for it...
We did trotting, cantering and jumping with the photographer not threatening to quit...he was smiling away, so thats a first, and i get to keep my head.......hehe
I also got to dress up along with my horses with tinsell witches hats and giant rabbits.. so it was a real giggle, riding Sorrel wearing red devils antlers...... lol
I got to ride bare back with Lauren sitting on the horse with me too, so that mum and daughter bond is getting stronger by the day now, we were giggling so much as she held the leads on my horse as she is only used to a pony, so when Sorrel put his head down she went flying over his head, kicking me in the ribs on the way over..lol
youll all get to see the photos next week complete with boot marks..........lol

Its been such a really lovely weekend, but ive only now got just over an hour to prepare the house and kids before we leave for Paris..........
I was so deep in thought last night in bed,i couldnt sleep, its the simplest things that make me feel happy, and this weekend doing simple things has really made me feel like a different person... the one i used to be....
So although travelling to Paris worries me alot, because of driving there and back safely,(they drive like looneys) so if i do happen to get my calling today ........... at least you all know i went smiling............ lol
I even managed to get all my work done ! yes im up to date with everything ....(i cant quite believe it either) lol
So from tuesady its normal hours, and so much more of this lovely simple stuff.......
Im going to sit under a snow machine next week and stroke a reindeer.............hehe
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