Saturday, November 8


Grandad went into theatre this morning at 9am and 4 hours later is now in intensive care, he got through that part thankfully, so we are all hoping he carries on fighting now and can only sit and wait...

Hes always been my rock so whatever the outcome, what those guys did this morning in that theatre I am truly thankful for, they have given him the chance now...

My mum is flying home monday so im going to pick her up and hope we have good news for her to come home to...

Thank you so much to you guys that sent me emails last night, its really helped...


Roses said...

I'm sorry I've not been about honey.

Fingers crossed for your granddad!

I will light a candle for you all tonight.

brown eyed girl said...

Thanks Roses, hes doing really well, we are hopeful he will make a full recovery thankfully..

I just need to get us that little island

Roses said...

How's he doing?