Wow What a day i experienced yesterday!
Everyone was giggling here as id booked the day riding , so what do we get ..lol Yes a wonderful storm.
The afternoon started brilliantly i met up with Jean and did our jumping class, it was really exciting we had Soloman and Roger, they were both brilliant and really made the class easy as you could feel they both really wanted to jump. Solomans known to like clearing his 5 bar gate quite a lot and wander off round the school and although hes got huge feet hes lovely to jump.
Lauren really enjoyed her class as there was only 2 of them in there so they got lots of time to do all the things they enjoy, she didn't stop giggling (or talking) but when i got back last night she was snoring for England ..lol watching her sleep with a smile on her face told me how much she enjoys this.
Last night for me was the highlight of the day, it was pissing down ! my fella was convinced the evening would be cancelled and looked shocked when out i went in the middle of a storm to go horse riding....lol But its not something you do everyday is it? anyway it was amazing..
Walking across the car park i could see all the girls lined up on the horses ready, all were soaked but not one wasn't smiling!
I was put on Jack again, who's turning out to be working brilliantly with me, he does get spooked easily so we were lead down to the arena, his ears were back as usual (he doesn't like the other horses near him) but behaved so well for me.
Once we were in the arena he came to life, all night there was no stopping him and the others, it was as if the storm hyped them up, cantering round there with the rain teaming down and the thunder and lightning blasting through was totally amazing and one of those things i know will stay with me.
We spent the rest of the night outside in the storm doing bandages on Kevins racehorses legs giggling away dripping wet..
The only downside was i couldn't do any pictures as my camera phone isn't like me and doesn't like the rain much - I do..
Yesterday gave me a wonderful day, the storm added such a magical feeling to everything and the best part was my fellas face when i knocked on the door near midnight looking like a drowned rat smiling wickedly..
He just looked at me shocked then smiled and said "ill put the kettle on then shall i "
He knows me well....lol
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