Its been a hectic couple of days, the weekend was a blur we were both snowed under with work, so didn't do anything except that, but it has to be done, so you may as well just get on with it and try to keep smiling while you work.. we had invites for two different parties Saturday night and couldn't manage to make any of them sadly, these things happen i guess, my fella was working on something important and i last minute went to spend some time with my grandad, he had another operation last week and was feeling a bit sad so my sister phoned and asked me to go see him, Im glad i did, she was right..
I took the kids back Sunday and they cleared the biscuit tin in about ten mins flat which made grandad laugh, He's feeling much brighter today thankfully and recovering well, but he's been through so much this year and is looking forward to spending some quality time with nanny, and hopefully without all his hospital visits.
Fathers day was lovely we did spoil my fella all day, the kids all did little things for him without me having to remind them, which was thoughtful, we have such good kids, probably as hes such a good dad...
Yesterday was spent packing, followed by trying to sort out a new newsletter, Ive done so much work on the website blog this week and have missed writing in here, this is the place i get to write everything i want to, its like coming to visit a friend..

Last night i went riding as usual, i went down to the stables early and spent some time just walking about by myself, it was such a beautiful night for it, unlike last week when we rode through the storm..lol
I got to ride Pip for the lesson which was really good fun, for a small horse he doesn't half move quick ! as soon as you sit on him you can feel the excitement, he loves to run and is lovely to ride.
Im not sure how i managed to do it, but Ive got myself into competing in a dressage event on Sunday (which I'm rather nervous about) it seemed a good idea at the time when Wendy was talking about it, but it wasn't until she gave me the sheet that i realised what id got myself into, I have to memorize the course and what i need to do but hopefully get the horse to act beautifully for me, anyone who knows me will know I'm far from posh, so to sit on the horse trying to look elegant, suited and booted is going to make me giggle like hell..lol
I dont even own a tie ! I'm going to have to beg and borrow just about everything to do this, so i am dressed appropriately, black jacket, white shirt, black tie and black jodhpurs...Oh my word getting dressed up to get dirty eh...lol
I met up with my friend Anita after the class who has just got back from a holiday in Egypt. talk about looking healthy.. I had just filled the kettles up with the outside tap (well i cant work without a cuppa) but missing the lid completely with the tap, so stood there giggling away to myself looking like a drowned rat, i haven't been able to go see her horse while she was away, so caught up on saying hello to all the livery ones.. I do miss them, i used to look after those horses when i worked every Friday as a volunteer up there, so have to get back as soon as i can.. ive tried for the last 2 weeks but had to work so ill try again this week..
I managed to get some photos last night but i cant use the flash when it gets dark (it scares the horses) so apologies for the dark pictures, they are much more beautiful in real life though..

I thought we did quite a good job, but bare in mind it was really dark by the time we finished 11.45pm and i couldn't really see..lol
Im praying that horse still looks as good when the morning comes and she gets out in the sunlight, i bet they will be wetting theirselves up there today, when they see our version of clipping in the daylight.
We finished the night cutting, pulling, plaiting and grooming manes and tails so the horses got a good pampering session and plenty of sneaky mints when Kevin wasn't looking...
I managed to get some photos of Roger last night, the big white french horse who's so very ticklish and beautiful ! so you can see just how big his head is, its nearly as big as me put together, but i really love this horse and would love to ride him.. kevin said id look like a pea sitting on him.........:) so ill keep pestering of course til he lets me..whats wrong with a pea riding a horse !
If you tickle under his main he lowers his head right down and tilts it, his top lip comes out like Elvis and quivers like mad, i cant help but fall about laughing, ive never seen anything like him..
I'm riding Pip for the dressage event so very happy about that, hes small but lovely, if it was Billy or Jack id be panicking big time and have major league sore legs as much of it is all controlled by legs, without needing the reins, its scored on points and you need so many to pass (130 which ill get nowhere near of course) but whatever the outcome, at least i had a go.
Some of the girls have been practising for months and muggins here leaves everything til last minute again. I need to set up the garden with the same layout as the arena AKEHCJHF (i hope ive got that right, if not please help!) and run around looking like a loony pretending im a horse ! lol
My fellas threatening to video it and put it on YouTube... so ill wait til every ones asleep and get up extra early. nobody gets up early here except me and the birds so 5 am ill be giving the birds a comedy show for a change...lol

My fella wanted to come along and watch (that's a first!) but i didn't really want him to..
I'm pretty nervous and will probably mess it up even worse if i know I'm being watched, especially as he hasnt seen me ride since my first lesson at Kimblewick.. lol I like putting him through the hours of conversation after each lesson to tell him all about it anyway, why spoil that fun...hehe
I'm doing this competition for me, so want to go it alone ..
Im nervous but also very excited at the same time..

Anyway its time for a bath and a cuppa, we're working tonight so its another long one ahead and i thought it may wake me up a bit more.
No rest for the wicked eh ! whatever did i do in my past life? I hope it was good ! lol
Have a great evening everyone.

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