Its been a really good couple of days since the fire walk, im still on a high and am not taking my arm band off they gave me, its inspiring..lol
We went to the Keir Hardie afterwards, me smelling of bonfires instead of Eternity but we had such a good night and decided to make the most of it, so apologies to you fellas that i danced with, it didn't half make me feel positive i forgot about my nerves and just went for it ...lol
Monday was riding, i had to take Lauren first for her lesson then back for a quick cuppa and off again for mine, what a brilliant night, I got the naughty horse again 'Billy' but he didn't leave the tantrum til he got into the arena, he started as soon as i got on him, biting the poor girl who was adjusting my stirrups.. ears back all night, i had to keep him away from the other horses as he didn't like them either.. what a character ! hes like Paris Hilton and believes hes too good for the rest of us... I bet shes easier to ride than Billy too ! lol
I did keep my positive mind frame which seemed to work well, except its not so easy to canter when your horse stands facing the wall pretending hes not there, so i went for another approach and sung to him... I don't know anything else that makes people move as quick as my voice, within one verse and my lot are out of the house and gone, so i wanted to see if Billy agreed with them, he did ! so for next weeks lesson ill try singing some rock and hope it makes him move a bit faster ! im determined to get canter on him... I love the horse and find him strangely amusing as hes so obstinate... like most guys then ( i just said to myself)...lol
Tuesday night we went off salsaing to see Sharon and Richard in Acle which i thoroughly enjoyed, i thought at some point i may want to slow down with the dancing but it honestly gets worse the more you do the more you want to...
Tomorrow its Stalham and salsa again and my favorite night of the week, its like being on holiday up there you come home eat the fridge and finish the day on a high..Paul shares his dinner with me so i even get fed !
Friday im doing photos for dresses and working that night and then Saturday its the dance Cuban party !! oh my word am i looking forward to this one..
Jose and his band are hitting the Staithe in Stalham so its going to be a night of not only great dancing but brilliant live music, top that off with a few wonderful mojitos (steves driving i got the -its your turn to drink straw!) and you know its gonna be one of those nights thats totally unmissable..
I cant wait...
For details of times and tickets see Richards site in my favourites bar.. >>
Ive made some brilliant friends in the dance world and as its Richards Birthday tomorrow we can all celebrate together the Cuban way- Havana night to remember at our little Cuba in Stalham ..
Come and join us !!
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