God its been ages since i blogged, whats going on here...lol
No seriously ive either been out dancing, riding or been doing photos so by the time i get round to finishing every night i either hit the peanut butter on a high or the bed in a heap........ Ive got my fire walk next weekend (Friday 13th) and ive got to write 3 blogs and get my online sponsor forms done, so Ive been trying to get everything photoed and try to get myself in front today... i know that word will always manage to dodge me, but that's the fun of my life, I'm always chasing my bum and could never say I'm bored ! knackered, mad, fun, even weird yes but never bored !
Monday was riding again, this week i was given 'Ice' hes a very large white horse who when you sit on him, my legs wont go around his belly without me pulling rather strange faces, imagine doing the splits whilst trying to bounce on a trampoline and put some style into it and that's pretty much me riding him, we were told to go round in fast trot and stand up constantly in my stirrups, what a giggle, i felt id been 10 rounds with KING DONG and i haven't spelt that wrong either -oooooooh aahhhhhhhhhhh
I got off him and had to stand quietly for 15 Min's til i felt my legs straighten so i wouldn't walk like John Wayne across that car park with everyone watching, i do love a giggle but not with me and bandy legs as the core of the stable joke....
He was really good for me, i got him into canter and couldn't believe i managed it (even if it was just once), but Kevin waved his whip at the horse in front of mine who was being naughty, sending mine hurling off ...... I stayed in the saddle though but most people in there had their hands over their eyes when i looked...lol
Its not so scary sitting on the horse, than to watch I'm sure, i really enjoyed his moment of madness as that's the fastest Ive ever been on a horse especially him, so i know now that hes pulling a' I'll walk as slow as i can when she rides me job', kevin said i haveto show them whos boss so ill make sure i sort that out next week.. it proves my seating's better now anyway!!
I am making provisions and wearing my back protector at all times now in this lesson so I'm not all blonde... Ive got used to wearing it now and its straightened my back so Ive got better posture, so its good enough reason for me...........
Tonight my fella is off salsa'ing the night away with Richard and Sharon and our friends in Acle but I'm having to stay at home :(
I woke up with boobs that feel like melons and severe backache and as much as i love salsa i know i need a hot bath and early night tonight, so Mr Travolta's got his Cuban heels on and is going to fill me in tomorrow on what Ive missed, although i will miss my friends of course.....
Why is it when a woman is going through mother natures monthly " you are a woman so here you go" challenge - when your boobs swell to sizes that resemble melons and are that painful you feel like an elephant bouncing on your chest for every step or movement, does the guy go and put his foot right it in.. size 9s to be precise !
This morning he comes out with it - "God they're huge today!" and " Never mind if they are sore girl, they're bloody great to look at !!" If ever theres a time i wanted to thump him it was then - luckily for him he picked a day I'm not so capable! lol
Men - A word of wisdom here - sometimes you know honesty is not the best policy !! (take hint) we know you have 'A good cure for everything' OR 'if you let me massage them im sure they will feel good' Good for you perhaps ! God certainly broke the mould for you lot didn't he ................lol
Have a great night everyone and if you bump into Mr Travolta - Yes you have my permission ...hehe
Its listing a few more samples for me in the site tonight then bath and bed ..
Tomorrow when my legs arms and everything else aren't so sore ill be able to do all the things i couldn't do tonight - including practise my salsa and make sure I'm 1st there on Thursday !!
See you guys soon xxx

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