Oh heck have i got one hangover this morning..
Its those mojitos, they taste so good ! I was rather enjoying myself getting the mint stuck up that straw..lol

Its those mojitos, they taste so good ! I was rather enjoying myself getting the mint stuck up that straw..lol
What can i say about last night except wow WHAT A NIGHT !!
It was the Dance Cuban salsa party
Jose and his band Guateque had everyone up on their feet..They were incredible, the music was pure cuban showing the real roots to cuban salsa, i swear i could still hear the beat in my my head when i was trying to sleep.
Everyone from the salsa community was there
Max and the guys from
Nad from
John from
and Sue from
We were treated to a performance of Jose dancing with Pat and Sharon from Dance Cuban
There was a great bunch of people there, rueda on one floor regaetton on the other , The Staithe was packed with people all making the most of our taste of Cuba, it really was a very special night.
I had amazing dances with Barry, Ralph and my fella of course and came home very happily singing my head off !
This morning im on a high with a head that feels like a bongo but smiling away to myself..
I bet next time theres an event on as good as this, my fella will make sure im driving!
I cant have a holiday this year i know, but last night made me realise i dont need one when salsa is this good !
Cuba came to us last night..............................................
Thanks to Jose and Guateque ...
Sharon and Richard you did us all proud !
It was SUCH a great evening! I just was stunned watching everyone dance. You just looked amazing dancing with your man.
Thanks Roses, Im so proud of what hes acheived and couldnt ask for a better partner, hes so much fun!
Watching everyone having such a great time really made my night, as you could tell i'd drunk far too many mojitos but had such a great night..
The one in May will be brilliant up there.
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