I'm still smiling this morning, i bet you are still giggling aren't you Cheryl? hehehe
My god what a night that was.........
We spent mid summers at a salsa party...with our Tuesday group...
We did three classes first , salsa, bachata more salsa, i didn't get much sleep the night before as we were out with our friends so i thought i was rather going to struggle...lol
The day went by in a blur with my fella asleep at every opportunity, and me trying to clean up the house (it looked like a bomb had gone off) but we got through the day ok, anyway i can sleep loads later when I'm pushing up daisies...lol
Its been a brilliant weekend, it really has...
Last night i was thrown over a guys head (who's about 6 " 5") honestly !! lol
What a blast !! it was brilliant...
His name is Ivan Hospodar(all you dance guys and instructors will know this guy) i wont forget his name in a hurry either, my god how good is he ?????????
We were dancing away and he came over to me and asked me to dance, he'd already taken the bachata class so i thought it wouldn't be too hard !! OMG am i a blond or what...
He was asking questions and asked if id done ballroom dancing before..nope , he was complimenting me on my arms of all things (that's down to you Sharon) and your hard work, i couldn't move my arms until i went to her classes, shes helped me so much ....
Anyway i have never seen or felt anything like this guy before, i was twisted turned thrown and pushed as hard as i have ever been in my entire life, i was sweating lost my earrings, my hair clips and a necklace but it was worth every bit..
Cheryl sat there in hysterics..............
I was taught things that Ive already been up practising this morning! and i have to say to date..
I cant believe i really did that !!!!!!! my fella didn't stop talking when he got home and said he didn't know how the hell i kept up with it (id had no vodka either) just lime and soda and a good pair of salsa shoes...lol
Im not sure what i got wrong or right, i don't care what i looked like, its how i felt that i liked best ! it felt incredible...........
We went into turns and things I'm years away from learning, but somehow i managed to get through ok, my smile was that huge, my lips had stuck to my teeth !!
I was spun and spun and dipped and twisted and half way through he decided that he would pick me up and spin me over his head ! it was the best dance i have ever had ...
Four times he came over and asked me to dance, by the end of the night i looked like id been in a shower..lol Adrian said Ivan had been hogging me all night (which made me giggle), so i even got a dance with him...
It was a brilliant night, i don't know where that energy came from, im still pretty shocked this morning, but its done one thing and really helped my confidence..
Its like Cheryl said " after dancing like that, you couldn't possibly ever feel nervous again" mmm shes right..lol
This guy is world class at ballroom, salsa tango and as many dances as i could write, i will probably never dance like that again, but mid summers for me will definitely not be forgotten..
I had an absolute ball................................

Joanne i believe you have found something very special, you always loved your dancing but this now will send you to new heights. How you managed to dance like you did last night had to have came from the inside, you really surprised us all.
Learning to fly comes to mind and i hope i can somehow keep up with you. lol.
love Steve xxx
Thats the first time you have ever left me a comment !!! OMG now im happy.
I cant explain how i feel today, im so filled up with excitement and smiles i cant get on to do anything today..
You are going to be doing that soon, you have shocked everyone with how well you are dancing, im so proud of you Mr Travolta ! lol
You have to remember something though:
When i came off that floor last night i was flying, it felt that good .. Thats what i see on your partners faces when you dance with the ladies, you cant see it as youre busy leading.. we can see it and feel it.
You men are the ones that give us those wings...
Its all thanks to you guys ..
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