Well we've had another 2 days of sunshine... so that's the summer over with..lol
The birds are all queuing up outside trying to huddle under the bird table so it made me smile this morning.. bless
Its just as mad as last week here, but today Ive got a day at home which is lovely, my fellas busy at meetings today, so i thought id work here and just pack everything tomorrow... i found him on the sofa again this morning, laptop still intact and running on his lap..the tea i made him before i turned in was still there untouched, but hes happy as he got done what he needed to for this morning, the guy never stops trying... hes such a gem (and looks really funny sleeping in his boots) lol
Last night was riding, all day i was excited the day was so beautiful , i think the group was all hoping it would be a hack again...lol
Kevin is such a giggle, i turned up early as usual with him taking the mickey as i cant breath in my back protector so get rather cross wearing it, but the night just got better when i saw what horse i was on.........Billy.......Hes stunning and big !! so i ditched the protector and decided id enjoy the night for what it brought..
he told me if i hacked out on a smaller one last week hed make up for it this week, and boy didn't he..lol
It was one of the best and funniest lessons to date, everyone was laughing all night, one of the guys cracked up when i was told who i was riding as its his usual horse and he doesnt move easily, his words were " You are gonna hurt tomorrow" .. lol oh yes he was right too ! i really do hurt today ...but loved every minute of it, i wouldn't quit and did everything i set out to do, but literally had to kick all the way through the lesson as the horse just sits there taking the piss.. im sure i caught it smiling..im going to buy myself some size 10 boots next time i ride him, then well see who's laughing.....lol They are such smart creatures.....
Anyway i got into canter no problems (which the guy couldn't do last week !! 1 up for the girls, oh yes oh yes !..lol) and really loved riding him, he was such a challenge.., ive got another hack next week but im on another big one ! yipeeeeeeeeeeee Kevins getting better and better every week in my eyes...lol
We could put the horses to bed last night again, but i did kind of come unstuck, i couldn't reach the saddle to get my arm underneath and the guys were killing themselves laughing, so i took billy over to the mounting steps and found my way around it... i may be small but if theres a way ill find one !! lol
I learnt something new last night too ! dont put a tube of polos down your chaps ...lol
It worked its way down to my ankle by the end of the lesson and when i was walking billy back (its miles away) i stopped and took them out as it was beginning to hurt, but then he spots them.. and leading a horse while hes trying to bite you for about 20 mins wasnt fun, i gave in at the finish and gave him one so he would walk nicely..
The funniest part of the night was when walking him through those fields, its still very wet and muddy out there and we came to this huge puddle and mud patch, so im trying to pull him and he decides to nuzzle me into the ditch so he can walk in my dry bit...hehe i came home head to toe covered in mud , sweating and giggling my head off ... my fella laughed and just said, looks like youve had a great night then...... oh yes !
Im not the type of girl that likes to keep it clean, in fact im much happier getting down and very dirty anyday................lol
What a great night its been .........
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