Good morning world, are you all still in bed? ....lol
What a beautiful day again, perhaps summers finally arrived..
Its been another great week, i didnt have the best of luck last year, but since my birthday ive been very lucky, I have been doing so much good stuff, found dancing and my new friends and fell in love with riding, i know to some people that doesn't sound much, but Ive got more from these things than you could imagine and feel so happy inside...
Thursday was Cuban salsa with Sharon and Richard at the staithe, so for any of you that are in our area, GET YOURSELF DOWN THERE..lol We love the classes, the company and always have such a great night..
So if you want to join us all use the link on my favourites and come along... Stalham isn't the sleepy village most of you would imagine, these guys know how to party so come along and see..
We were out at our friends Friday night for a cook in and had such a brilliant night, i got to hear first hand one of the new tunes the lords composed, and am hoping hell let me post it once hes happy and sent me a copy..lol theres a story behind the song, but ill talk you through that step by step if he will let me have a copy, I promise it will be a blog NOT TO BE MISSED.... but not typically a clean one !!! (well what do you expect from me, i like to use my imagination )lol... Its to do with a ritual , marble tables and lots of candles and blindfolds.. that much i will give insight too.........so you need to read, close your eyes and imagine when you listen to it... it is brilliant, this guy is so talented its untrue, but needs to be heard..(so ill tell the story and he'll compose the music).... what a brilliant way to work...lol
Last night was our salsa party... the good news is i got to dance with Brett again !!! hes such a lovely guy the more i learn the more i respect him, hes gentle, very patient and wonderful to dance with....
The bad news is we all decided to be ill last night and it cut the night short (we are usually the last to leave) but ended up at 11 i had to go.. i was so annoyed at myself..
Id been looking forward to it all day but had a bad headache, i blamed the weather at it was stormy, so took no notice and carried on getting ready, 5 Min's before we were supposed to leave i was constantly feeling sick was really badly dizzy to the point of walking into my breakfast bar and the headache had got worse... i really didn't feel well at all.....
I wouldn't tell my fella (he was in the shower) so instead made the mistake of not saying anything, we got there my fella then said he didn't feel well and felt dizzy, Cheryl had the same thing so all off us sat there giggling about why we didn't tell each other ! i didn't want to let Cheryl down so was going hell or high water, she was the same and all three of us shouldn't have been out....lol
I was asked to dance so many times, each time i dare not decline in case they wouldn't ask again and danced so badly, i was constantly apologising to these poor blokes...lol
We were then walking out of the door (my fella was outside on the grass as he was then feeling sick too) and Brett came over !!! He is such a gentleman he thought wed got some beers lined up elsewhere and wanted to know why we were going? so i told him i was crud (which he found highly amusing) and needed to go, as i was going to fall on my arse, if anyone tried to spin me and embarrass them terribly....
He asked me to have one dance before i left and took so much care, he didn't spin me instead was so gentle and attentive, this guy really is in my eyes a real gentleman... I loved my dance, managed not to embarrass him and promised him next time, he can push me out to the limits.. I was really not on form at all.. he was nice enough to have read the situation well, and it shows this guy doesn't dance to show off, he dances to give his partners a great dance and wants them to enjoy it.........................And that's the real meaning of dancing....
I cant wait for this weeks classes, i hope whatever it is that's taken hold of me Cheryl and Steve passes, our friend Jane was suffering the same symptoms last week, so it looks like its a bug.. Any bug that stops me from dancing should be banned in my eyes.. lol
It gives new meaning to dance yourself dizzy .....
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