After a much needed break I find myself here for another year, fresh hope and starting a new year.. Lets hope 2o11 brings some good stuff.
I lost a very dear friend on Christmas day, so that hit home pretty hard, so Christmas here has been a bit of a blur non entity, I felt sorry for my kids bless they had such a miserable time.
I'm looking forward to kicking up my riding and restarting salsa, its been 6 months with no dancing thanks to my fella taking a job which took him away from home for months on end.. To top that were still waiting to be paid for it! Christmas came early for this guy..
Ive really missed my salsa and hope the new year brings some sunshine now..
It was a year of operations, illnesses, work work work while juggling a house full of teenage hormones triplets who don't like each other very much and the hope that they would for once clean their bedrooms... Welcome back to life in the madhouse!
Its been too long since Ive been the brown eyed girl.. I feel more like the black eyed one looking at the bags under them this week...
I'm hoping i can change that now and enjoy a new year..
Ive missed my friends........
1 comment:
Put on steam!
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